Posting in Wits End topic, IIRC, I had a flash, a lightbulb went ping. Players want more than one thing from a uild, and guilds often offer only one thing. here is my solution. i propose an alliance that caters for all types of play, my explanation of it's mechanics and otehr suc things follows. Read, digest, discuss.
In this alliance one guild will be wholely (sp) responsible for bringing in new players. let's call this Newb Helpers(NH). NH will recruit the beginners, in Shing Jea, and Pre-Searing or a liitle after. The officers tehre will help them, give them tips and level them to 20. After that they face a choice. They can either go down the PvE route or the PvP route. If they choose the PvP route they will go into a beginner PvP guild. Here they will learn builds, tactics and particpate in Abs, GvG(scrimmage) and Team Arena's and some HA. After a suitible period of time, they will progress into the PvP advanced guild, where they will get into more advanced tactics and do regular HA and GvG (competitive). After this they may enter the Instructors Guild, if they choose. Here they will bascially be schooled in advanced tactics and the workings of HA and GvG. From here they will be then sent as officers to teach new PvPers. They may also choose to enter the core guild, where regular events are held, like HA, or GvG, and PvE runs aswell. This is where most of the people will end up. This will also be the 'lead' guild in the alliance.
Those who choose the PvE route for their charatcer will be inducted to the PvE intermediate guild (NH being the beginners). Here they will learn farming runs, and builds. Also they will go on chest runs and farming runs in the Echovald and Shiverpeaks. After this may choose to go to the Core Guild or the PvE advanced guild. In the PvE advanced gild they will learn UW/FoW/SF builds and runs, and do theseregulary, with eightman teams. After this may choose to go on to the instructors guild(to an extent) or the Core Guild, or stay in the advanced guild. The insturcotrs guild will be an invitation thing only. The leaders of the two advacned guilds may recommend players to th einstructors guild, and the players may choose to accept. After finishing their training in the instructors guild they will be sent to the NH and spend around three months there, honing their teaching skills. They then may advance up the 'ranks' of guilds to different officer positions in the different guilds. They may eventually become leaders of guilds.
The leaders of the spereate guilds will have complete control over their guilds, deciding who 'graduates' and who stays put for the meanwhile(except for NH, where the criteria for graduation will be 1 level 20 charatcer and a willing to leave, they may stay as long as they like in NH). The only restricitions will be on the type of events they choose to un. Obviously it would be pretty tiring to only do Pve or PvP in one of these guilds, so memebrs from all guilds (again except for NH, except level 20's and officers/lead) will be invited to participate in events run by one guild. They may also choose to switch between PvE/PvP guilds.
This is only a concep/theory and hav no intention of doing it, at the moment, but if you do decide to do it, please contact me as I would be interested in how it turns out. and if you have a questio about it post or IM me. thanks. Response greatly appreciated.
PS i did a crude/rough calaculation and the cost of setting this alliance up would come to around 420k.
This would include:
Guild halls for 8 guilds, taking sigils at 20k a pop. Two vendors (storage and Preist) for each guild hall.
Setting up alliance (7k)
Inviting new people. This is the hardest part, and is forever changing. i would estitmate around 300 people in the first sixmonths after the alliacne got properly off he ground, so 30k for that.
Also, UW/FoW runs and mat/finacial help, only availible to Nh sub-level 20 members, coming in at around 100k in the first six months.
i have given some room for price inflation and under estimates aswell.
An Alliance Idea
This is sort of what we do already - except that we don't work with brand new players.
Durik Lakmor
This sounds simliar to the structure of a CoV guild/alliance i was in and it worked great.
Originally Posted by Billiard
This is sort of what we do already - except that we don't work with brand new players.
Originally Posted by Cador
Well you guys do this to an extent, the only "training" one receives is in OoX. IMO XoO is a guild for intermediate players to enjoy the many facets you guys have.