New to Guild Wars


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

And I have to say I am a little disappointed. I've been playing this game for about 45 mins, and I have a lvl 3 Necromancer. So, what do I do? I've been doing some quests and kill monsters, do I just do that til lvl 20? Or should I party? Or am I too low lvl to Party? Please help me out, thanks in advance.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]



Well you're still in the tutorial area; not the real game. Just keep going and you'll get to the real game.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


First - which game, Prophecies or Factions?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

I'm in Tyria, the first chapter.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


As soon as the quests get to hard, party up with other people. Normaly party up with people for missions too. If you are to low leveled to get accepted into a party, just do a different quest which is easier or try it with hench. I hope you find the fun in GW soon ^^ Good luck and have fun.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

45 minutes and you think GW is disappointing? No. It's not disappointing.

You can join a party at any level, and the amount you can join increases as you progress into GW. And yes, you do do quests and kill monsters till level 20, but thats not it. You can join the PvP world and fight against other people, and I'm guessing your still in pre-searing? If so then wait untill you get to post-searing, things get ALOT more exciting there. There is the titles, which you can do, alot at level 20, but some not (Drunkard for Example) . And if you only have one character then try out other characters, it's a whole different experience.

If you hav'nt joined a guild, then I suggest you do - or make your own - guilds rock, so long as your in the right one.

You can also try out different skills and attributes, which all adds to the fun. =)

Basicly, 45 minutes just isnt enough to judge your opinions about GW.


EDIT: 4 People replied whislt I was typing this down :P


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

You're still in the tutorial area of the game. Give your Red Iris Flowers to Gwen & have her follow you around for the occasional heal. Party up with another person keep doing the quests. Once you hit level 7 or 8 - and have done all of the skill trainers' quests for your professions - go to the acadamy, that's when it starts to get interesting. But be sure to be at least level 7 before you do, especially for your first character.


Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pre-searing is dull, the game gets better later on once you hit the northern shiverpeaks region.

Once you get into the "real" game try and find yourself a PvE guild, being in a guild makes life easier and more interesting. You have automatic campions because a lot of exp players like helping out newbies. Having some level20's in your group certainly helps alot and you get to see what its like when you have hit that important level20.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Makes a change from "how do u get back 2 normal world" in Post-searing Ascalon.

What Bane hasn't told you is that you should "shop around" for a guild as they all differ in some way. Some are focussed on PvP or PvE and some guilds can be full of or run by idiots that kick you for being even a few days offline...


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Fraltieny
I'm in Tyria, the first chapter.
these guides should help



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


I agree stay in pre searing until u are atleast lvl 7-8 makes life a little easier once u get into post searing. Once there do all the quests u can find and try not to rush thru things as u will most likely miss out on the mechanics of the game by getting runs to higher lvl areas or getting power lvled...on your second characters etc its fine to get runs or what have u but I definetly think your first character should "fight" its way thru until u are sure of the game strategies...if u need any help etc contact me in game once u leave pre searing....

IGN : Coridan A


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

If you're bored, make a PvP character to play with alternating with the PvE one you already have.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mt Vernon, Ohio

Band of the Hawk


Nice scenery in the starting area, and when you get into some of the remote areas you will find it at least mildly challenging. At level 8 take Tydus up on his offer, go to "the Academy" and you will find yourself at the beginning of the real game. The further you go, the better it gets. At the high end are really difficult monsters. You will remember those little stone elementals in the starting area with a smile. Wait until you see what those turn into!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Celtic Wild Hunt [Celt]


I love pre-searing, thought it was one of the best bits about GW.

But when you get past it the story line does develop and is quite fun and interesting. If you need a hand I've got a couple of chars I've kept in pre-searing, where you are, that can help you out.

Ingame name: Meiji the healer


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Not to discourage our new gamer here, but whenever I take a character to post-searing, I dread the Old Ascalon and surrounding areas. It's all brown, dull and drab to me. But then you get to Yak's Bend and there's white snow. Then later on you get to Lions Arch and the jungle areas and that's when the beauty begins.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


Yup, you're still in pre-searing (aka the tutorial). Many people stay there until lvl 5, most goes to 6 or 7. The highest lvl you can reach in pre-searing is 10. The only thing you really need to do in pre-searing is to complete all the skill quests in there and get a secondary profession. then you're off to the real world.

Kimi Otori

Kimi Otori

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006




Originally Posted by Linksys
Not to discourage our new gamer here, but whenever I take a character to post-searing, I dread the Old Ascalon and surrounding areas. It's all brown, dull and drab to me. But then you get to Yak's Bend and there's white snow. Then later on you get to Lions Arch and the jungle areas and that's when the beauty begins.
OMGoodness YES. Old Ascalon stinks big time. It's so boring T_T

Kryta is really pretty though

One Tall Amazon Btch

One Tall Amazon Btch

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006



First off I have playing Guild Wars since it's launch. I have over 6 characters and have yet to get bored. I have loggied in over 1800 hours as well..

This game is a blast and it is only getting better..

My question to you is is this your first role playing game ? If it is good luck and make your self some coffee cause you will be up for hours on end playing ...

Have fun

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Do every quest out there, get yourself to every outpost in the game, do every mission, eventually get bored and hand me over your account XD



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by lightblade
Yup, you're still in pre-searing (aka the tutorial). Many people stay there until lvl 5, most goes to 6 or 7. The highest lvl you can reach in pre-searing is 10. The only thing you really need to do in pre-searing is to complete all the skill quests in there and get a secondary profession. then you're off to the real world.

Actually i think the highest level you can get to in pre is 16(using the charr and charr bosses behind the wall)

But basicaly as everyone else has said, 45 minutes isn't enough to form a fair opinion about GW so just keep chugging away until you're ready to leave the turorial area.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Thanks for your help guys, Ii haven't played Guild wars since Ii made the post, due to a MMORPG called Maplestory.

And no, I'm not new to MMORPGS, I come from FFXI, and World of Warcraft.