Appearance and Height After Creating

Virt Xertz

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Elite Fortress


DO YOU REGRET how you made your first charachter look? Want to change their face, hair, or height? Well many people messed up these things on their first charachter but have done so many things that they don't want to make a new charachter. I think we should all try to convince guild wars to make it possible for anyone to change their appearance at the choose charachter screen. I would even PAY a little bit to be able to change my charachter's height. When i started this game i had no idea what was the average height, and i just wanted to be about average. Now, after having over one million xp, 15k armor, and beating prophecies, i am shorter than everyone else, and I want to be taller, but I don't want to restart a whole new charachter.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

wrong forum and it has been beaten to death so many times i wont be surprised if a mod closes/moves it before i finish typing this.

not a new idea at all


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Showing results 1to 25of 101
Thread / Thread Starter Created Replies Views
Changing appearance?
zeroxy 16:47 27-Mar-06 7 212
Who would change his character's appearance to canthan if he got the chance?Because i know i would change my male warrior to canthan origin ...

Change appearance?
ForgeBitch 13:48 27-Aug-06 8 115
but can you change the appearance of yout character, such as hair color/style/etc...

Any way to change appearance of existing characters?
JBak 16:03 9-May-06 16 352
out that there would be a way to alter appearance of existing characters, but I'm guessing there isn't anything like that in the game...

Change ur characters name
Unnamed 15:54 24-Jan-06 14 175
the perfect name! and wouldnt it be nice to change ur characters name then? Ofcourse I am not talking about day-to-day changing of ur name.... just to change ur ranger's(or whateve...

change character appearance after created!
Unnamed 18:41 11-May-05 4 399
Can you change character appearance after created?I want them to add this in if you cant.. That way we can change our styles to match our outfits, from time to time...

please let players change character appearance
Unnamed 21:18 26-May-05 49 974
leveling and getting all my stuff back just to change the appearance of my character to what i want it to be, which is the only option at the present timeall i should have to do is ...

Changing Character Appearance In-Game
Unnamed 06:57 19-May-05 5 176
I was wondering if there was a way to change my appearance.. ...

Idea: Change character appearance
sins 04:36 1-Feb-06 6 86
There should be like a make over lady or someone in town that can change they way you look: hair style, hair color, skin tone.....

Ability to Change Name/Appearance
Studio Ghibli 21:49 12-May-05 2 102
Just something I wouldn't mind. It'd make an interesting quest, no doubt...

Hey i was wondering if you could change the appearance
Unnamed 19:18 2-Jun-05 2 100
can u change the appearance of ur character after you start or do you have to start all over, whats ur opinion on my character i have a ranger...

Appearance changing NPC
Unnamed 18:34 4-Feb-06 4 51
In all major towns, there should be an NPC that lets you change your hairstyle, color, etc...

Hairdresser/Appearance Changer
Unnamed 06:23 29-Jun-06 5 60
I know a face/skin/height change might be a stretch, but come on.... they should atleast make it so you can change your hair or haircolour....I know lots of you don't care about your ...

My Guild Cape Appearance changed!?!?!?
Unnamed 14:55 23-May-05 4 244
how I custimized how it should look.TODAY however it changed, its really bloody ugly now, and i just payed 2k gold for it.. that my cape appearance can be changed, and NOT by me!?!...

Final Say about Appearance Changes?
knives 02:43 13-Apr-06 14 589
Do we get to change our characters appearance to another existing form of a tyrian face / hair style / hair color / skin color or from Tyrian - Canthan...

Changing Your Character's Appearance After Creation
Meneldil 22:24 12-Jan-06 18 168
have an NPC that has the ability to change your looks (any appearance change mentioned above) in exchange for some gold..NPC where you could access account information in-game (chang...

CHANGES TO BODY MASS [appearance suggestion/complaint]
Meneldil 23:38 18-Feb-06 10 146
CHANGES TO BODY MASSOKAY, I'm getting a little upset here..In the character creation process you can change your body mass to from a scale of bulky to skinny to fat...

Afew ideas
Unnamed 19:08 27-Mar-06 1 22
change appearance & name of characters whenever you want but it would have a cost of like what it costs to change appearance of your...

Possible Day and Night Cycles?
Unnamed 03:39 17-Aug-06 47 1061
After watching the in-game cinematic, I noticed that the sky changes appearance in many scenes...

Guild Wars Gaming Terms
Elithor 19:06 9-Feb-05 97 17534
The staff they are wielding in the outpost of the tombs will change appearanceFC-Fast Castflag runner-the person on the team designated to carry the flag on King of the Hill typ...

The Ability To Change A Charecters Name And Appearance.
Program Ftw 22:42 2-Aug-06 12 228
Maybe in the GW Shop or a NPC, but please, give us the option! Thanks...

Crane's head color change?
Unnamed 16:19 16-Sep-06 1 36
Please tell me this is a glitch and not some actual evolution change because I loved the red head..I have found nothing anywhere on crane's appearances changing during evolution...

Armour: Wear & Tear
Nexus Icon 23:33 25-Aug-06 39 473
Wouldn't it be cool if his armour changed in appearance as the character got more experience?".Now I know this would be hard to implement, but I think it could look...

ANET please let us modify our old chars!!!
glasseye 00:45 25-Mar-06 89 2293
I really hope that ANET creates a way for us to change our old characters skins to the new ones.. ANET will provide us with a way to change our appearances.. What do you guys think? ...

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I've said it before and i'll say it again. If you don't like it, then don't make it. It shouldn't take you until you have 15k armor and stuff to realise you don't like something.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I like how all my characters look. Unlike most people; I actually take the time to put some thought into character creation.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


my are all fine by me......though the monks are really short! (even for a tall monk, mine is still shorter than my mesmer!) happy with what I made....if I didnt like it I would have deleted and started over with something better.....which is why I waited to make a female the cantha hair and faces better for them, not the armor.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

It took you over 1,000,000 XP to figure out you're character was short?
The first character I created got deleted before I hit level 2 because I didn't like the way it turned out.

(I have no sympathy for you.)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Loviator's post is sufficient. Closed.