Weapons of Mass Destruction

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


Hi There peeps

Forum noob but not really a guild wars noob having bought it 2 weeks ago and clocked up over 150 hours.

anyway this weapons lark is really doing my suede in, how on earth do you know whats valuable and what isn't ?

I've loads of purple items with damage ranging between 6-16 8-13 and so on but only one Longbow thats 12-21 dmg. is that any good ?

I do have a Shocking Forked Sword of Enchantment which is like 9-13 damage and some enchant plusses etc and a Sundering Warhammer of Fortitute 8-19 damage with a couple of damage extras and health etc

are these things worth anything or are they pretty novice weapons in the grand scheme of things

I mean how do you put a rough valuation on weapons - is it the +7 energy, + this and that damage, halves spell casting that makes the weapons valuable or is it the name lol or the initial damage ie 9-19 etc

Any help mucho appreciated


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

In the grand scheme of things, yes. Those are novice weapons and not worth much at all. But if you're playing the original GW (Prophecies) and are in Pre-Searing, then you could probably sell them for a couple 100g each there. Once you've gone through the acadamy, they're junk.


There's almost everthing you need to know about weapons pricing.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

To see whether a weapon is worth much the first thing you must do is check whether it has the max possible damage. Each weapon type has a different damage range:

* Daggers max 17
* Swords max 22
* Axe max 28
* Bow max 28
* Hammer max 35
* Staff / wand / rod max 22

This article on GuildWiki should help you to familiarize yourself with the different weapon types and their stats:




Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hell Reapers [HR]


You should be looking for max damage weapons at least.

Axes: 6-28
Swords: 15-22
Hammers: 19-35
Bows: 15-28
Daggers: 7-17
Staves/Wands: 11-22

Possibly the most important aspect of pricing an item is its inherent modifiers; such as "Damage +15% when health is above 50%" or "Energy +5" for melee weapons and "Halves Casting Time of xxxx skills (Chance: 20%)" for caster weapons. These modifiers are the ones that cannot be changed by upgrades.

The upgrades themselves should be max. upgrades such as +5 for insightful (+energy) or "Double Adrenaline on hit (chance: 10%)" for furious mods. Obvioulsy, there are a few different mods and I wont list them all. These aren't necessarily the be all and end all of pricing though since they can ALWAYS be changed should the need arise.

The second (or maybe the first?) most important point when pricing is the skin of the weapon i.e. what does it look like? Desirable skins naturally add value to your item. Skins such as Brute Swords, Fellblades, Dwarven Axes, Celestial Weapons, etc. add value because they're rarer than your average long sword skin.

Another important aspect, although only for some, is the weapon requirement. How much stat points do you need to invest to make the weapon or offhand work at its optimum level? The best requirements are low. It is possible to get max damage and requirement 7 but it's very very rare. Req.8 and req.9 tend to be the most common requirements that add value. Anything over req.9 tends to decrease value a little.

I hope I covered everything? Best of luck selling your stuff

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


yep am post searing and just reached gates to Kryta or whatever it is - I thought a longbow of 12-21 was good lol

I also thought my fire staff giving energy +11, 10% chance of reducing Air Spell casting time by half and +10% damage was good ! Oh Dear !

Not at all then ?




Join Date: Dec 2005

On the Beach


Hopefully this helps
It's not totally up to date with the skin rarity list but still a very good info thread about values.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


nope, sorry my friend, both useless in the grand schemeof things, but the bow atleast is the ebst you'll have access to at such a point in the game without buying a max damage one from another player.

I got all the way to the Desert before my first character got a max damage weapon, so its nothing to worry about, just be aware of the max damages so you dont get scammed.

at your point in the game theres no rare skinned weapons for you to access and sell.

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


funnily enough yesterday I opened a chest in Kryta and out popped what I think is a yellowy gold item ? its a fire wand 10-19 damage - energy +8 one handed. its worth 136 gold to sell. is it a gold item or are there such weapons as yellowy / orange. hope that makes sense lol. its a nice weapon anyway as it allows me to combine a nice flame artifact with it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Elwe Fingolfin
yep am post searing and just reached gates to Kryta or whatever it is - I thought a longbow of 12-21 was good lol

I also thought my fire staff giving energy +11, 10% chance of reducing Air Spell casting time by half and +10% damage was good ! Oh Dear !

Not at all then ?
That sounds like a perfectly good weapon for where you're at.

And the wand you got from the chest is gold (rare). In general, gold, non-max shields, wands and offhands are close to worthless (but maybe not to you ). Other low-level golds you might find, e.g. warrior weapons, could have valuable mods you can salvage and sell.

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


cheers dude - thank you for your reply.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Elwe Fingolfin
funnily enough yesterday I opened a chest in Kryta and out popped what I think is a yellowy gold item ? its a fire wand 10-19 damage - energy +8 one handed. its worth 136 gold to sell. is it a gold item or are there such weapons as yellowy / orange. hope that makes sense lol. its a nice weapon anyway as it allows me to combine a nice flame artifact with it
It's a gold weapon, which means its rare. Purple items are uncommon, and blue items are magical. Green items ar unique items that come from specific bosses in certian areas. (You haven't gotten that far yet, but you'll see them being sold)

As others have said, you've got some decent weapons for the area you're at. you've probably noticed that the weapons & other drops have gotten better as you've gone along.

On a side note, it sounds like you're having a lot of fun with GW. Glad you're enjoying it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


Max Weapon Damage:
Axes: 6-28
Swords: 15-22
Hammers: 19-35
Bows: 15-28
Daggers: 7-17
Staves/Wands: 11-22

Anything lower than that should either be salvaged or sold to merchants, except for staves/wands. Other than that, read the price check section for further details on how to determine your item's value.