Well...the missions in GW are nice and enjoyable, but we lack more caverns, and crypts and so to explore. The closest I ever get to those was Sorrows Furnace and Catacombs (yes, the pre - searing one) and they were the areas where I had most fun till now (I have been playing for over a year now). What I would really want is scary and narrow dark corridors filled with traps and closed doors that requires you to think how to get trough it in order to get to big goal in the end.
Urgoz is a nice advance to that goal, but the "by numbers" approach that Anet took in it really bugs me off. TONSSSSS of easy killed monsters does not make for 1 smart / bad ass one. Also, that REALLYYYYYYY cheap traps that can kill the entire party if you don’t know the trick (e.g. warden room) is simply sad cause it doesn’t require thinking to get trough it...
Also the atmosphere in Urgoz is not pretty compelling. I REALY want to see torture chambers and squeletons with swords wandering around and maybe even a “solo able” area where the party limit is one so you really have the felling of an abandoned mine or something like that. I really miss it, and since GW is the only RPG i play I would love to see some areas like that added to the game.
Well, I tried my best to describe my idea, hope you guys got the picture, and IF you don’t, just remember the underground of the monastery on Diablo 2...it is something like that I want to see here
