Does the amount of XP you have on a character have an effect on drop rates?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Okay, so my question is in the title,

Does the amount of XP you have on a character have an effect on drop rates?

Basically this has been on my mind for a while as I have noticed some sort relation to the amount of XP a character has to his "luck" so to speak.

On my monk I have abut 2.5million XP, and I really dont get many valuble items on him, mainly Ectos. If it was'nt for the whole 50/50 thing in the UW I wouldn't have no Ectos basically because none are dropped for me, but for my SS partner (who has about 500,000XP). I say this because it is the same sitution when im farming trolls, I will get no gold drops until I bring someone to level up for abit more cash, suddenly the gold item drops will start coming pretty frequently, all dropped for the low level player.

I have the same sitution on my warrior as he too has alot of XP. I am also able to get Ectoplasm at a steady rate on my necro, who is a cantha character and doesn't have much XP. The same situation comes along again in both SF and Tombs while on these characters. It anoys me to see the same player getting green item after green item, I used to get green items quite often when my chatacters where around the 500,000xp mark, don't get me wrong, but not anymore. I don't mind seeing people get abit of luck, but I wish abit would come my way every so often if you see where im coming from.

So, is this the case? To me its becoming obvious it might be.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


use search, you over farmed everything, you get shit drops.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Yeah, I visited Ascalon after quite some time with my W/Me (750K+ XP) and I've been having an odd spike of luck with Black Dye



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


That is'nt the case actually, I know all about that.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


2 UW runs, me running SS, 8 ecto drops total, 50/50 so I got 4 of them, 5 of the 8 dropped for me. ~700k xp total on her.

30 UW runs, me running 55, 1 ecto drop total, for the SS. ~200k xp on her.

It effects nothing. It's luck of the draw.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005



I brought the lowest XP character - Mesmer to FOW with a PUG of 8, I got 4 shards in the first run and 2 shards and one Serpent Axe from the chest in the second run. I tried with my Warrior and Ranger - higher XP, I picked up no shards but dust and dark remains for 5 consecutive runs. I believe low XP character has better odd to pick up the goodies.