Hey all.
I obviously just created a new character. I am currently in need of a runner that can make it from Ascalon City through to all of the Desert mission towns and complete the missions. The key to this is, I CANNOT DIE! You must be able to guarentee Suvivor running or I will not take your service. Sorry to be so blunt, I just want this done correctly the first time around. If you are interested in providing this service, please post a reply with your IGN and when you are available. We can discuss a price in game.
Also, I am in need of a powerleveler that can guarentee Survivor powerleveling. I will be going straight for Legendary, but I rather just worry about one part at a time. Again, if you are interested in providing this service, please post a reply with your IGN and when you are available. We can discuss a price in game.
Thank you all very much for your time and I look forward to doing business with you.
Need Survivor Running (Ascalon to Ascension) and Survivor Powerleveling.
bog boy
i can do the powerleveling at elonas when u get there i can also run to lions arch wisp me ign:bog boy
I highly recommend LBS runners for this type of thing, used them myself, they got me to Droknars without having me dead in Dreadnoughts Drift (mesmer patrol area) If you want legendary and feel you want to spend a bit more than 10k each mission, but be 110% that you will not die, LBS is the right place for you. Some IGN's are here:
Hanso Togakure
Sir Craig Gordon
The Herbalizer
Hanso Togakure
Sir Craig Gordon
The Herbalizer
hm.. i can run you from ascalon to Amnoon Oasis free. i'm boring now. so be happy