Hey everbody!
new at the forums. played gw for about 5 months when it first came out. got back into it 3 days ago.
feel like a nub cause there is mad lingo for everything that goes with the characters. but anyway.
got a couple questions, if someone could help me out.
1. All i have is gw, original. what should i get now? im about level 8. gonna go up to twenty. of course. but is there any other expansion i should invest money in?
2. I don't really understand PVP. I created a guy on there, and had to do a tutorial that i didn't have time for.
Im guessing its just going through the tutorial, then fighting people all the time? is there another world in PVP? or a different type of questing?
3. was wondering if i could change my secondary class. Just not feeling it.
4. Does a guild just invite me? do i have to do anything special? (in regular GW)
thats its for now. thanks for the help.
Mcfeefee & Grumple
Terra Xin
1. I wish I could give you an answer that would get you wanting to buy the second chapter. Factions (2nd chapter) wasn't too bad, it's a little short-sighted on the PvE side, but it was good fun. So if you're into PvE, pre-order chapter 3 Nightfall, it comes out late october.
2. The whole tutorial pretty much gives you a run down of most siutuations in combat, from then on it's just personal experience. PvP is basically killing other players, but there are a few conditions and goals that you may need to fulfil first in order to win. Nothing too fancy IMO. Also in factions, there are many variations of PvP arenas, Alliance battles for instance involve the strategy of capturing command points and outposts to help you win against the other team.... and so fourth.
3. Yep, two ways. One, progress your way to Lion's Arch. When you're there, check yur big map 'M' and look for the boat, then go to The Great Temple of Balthazar. Once you're there you'll see a profession changer, he charges a one time fee of 400 gold or something... per profession. THe other way is to keep playing until you're well through the desert. You will need to have done the three missions that are there (bonuses arent necessary) and then the final quest that will take you to the Dragon's Lair. Once done, go back to the different towns in the desert, and particular people will have new quests for you^^.
4. Yes. The only special thing you have to do is to keep an eye on guilds that are recruiting on the general chat, and then finding the one that you like.
2. The whole tutorial pretty much gives you a run down of most siutuations in combat, from then on it's just personal experience. PvP is basically killing other players, but there are a few conditions and goals that you may need to fulfil first in order to win. Nothing too fancy IMO. Also in factions, there are many variations of PvP arenas, Alliance battles for instance involve the strategy of capturing command points and outposts to help you win against the other team.... and so fourth.
3. Yep, two ways. One, progress your way to Lion's Arch. When you're there, check yur big map 'M' and look for the boat, then go to The Great Temple of Balthazar. Once you're there you'll see a profession changer, he charges a one time fee of 400 gold or something... per profession. THe other way is to keep playing until you're well through the desert. You will need to have done the three missions that are there (bonuses arent necessary) and then the final quest that will take you to the Dragon's Lair. Once done, go back to the different towns in the desert, and particular people will have new quests for you^^.
4. Yes. The only special thing you have to do is to keep an eye on guilds that are recruiting on the general chat, and then finding the one that you like.