
Mcfeefee & Grumple

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



Hey everbody!

new at the forums. played gw for about 5 months when it first came out. got back into it 3 days ago.

feel like a nub cause there is mad lingo for everything that goes with the characters. but anyway.
got a couple questions, if someone could help me out.

1. All i have is gw, original. what should i get now? im about level 8. gonna go up to twenty. of course. but is there any other expansion i should invest money in?

2. I don't really understand PVP. I created a guy on there, and had to do a tutorial that i didn't have time for.
Im guessing its just going through the tutorial, then fighting people all the time? is there another world in PVP? or a different type of questing?

3. was wondering if i could change my secondary class. Just not feeling it.

4. Does a guild just invite me? do i have to do anything special? (in regular GW)

thats its for now. thanks for the help.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
1. All i have is gw, original. what should i get now? im about level 8. gonna go up to twenty. of course. but is there any other expansion i should invest money in?
Don't invest money in any expansion until you know you like the game. Level 8 is too low of a level to say if you truely like it or not, in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
2. I don't really understand PVP. I created a guy on there, and had to do a tutorial that i didn't have time for.
Im guessing its just going through the tutorial, then fighting people all the time? is there another world in PVP? or a different type of questing?
PVP means Player Versus Player. You fight other players from around the world. There are many variants of PVP ranging from 4v4 Arena Battles to 8v8 Guild Battles. There is no questing.

Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
3. was wondering if i could change my secondary class. Just not feeling it.
When you pass the path of ascension, you have the oppurtunity to complete a quest for every profession allowing you to change to those professions in respect.

Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
4. Does a guild just invite me? do i have to do anything special? (in regular GW)
Guilds don't usually invite randomly, they ask you or you can ask them. Most recruiters send a Private Message to guildless people asking if they are interested in joining their guild.