New 55 help possibly??



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Bayne The Mercenary A/x, Bayne The White Mo/W, Bayne The Phenom M/x, Bayne The Vicious N/Mo

I just got my monk to lvl 20(for the sole purpose of UW,etc., I hate healing its soooo boring) and ascended and to ToA with some nice skills....i think......

What i am asking is if there is a 55 or a SS out there that would like to help me hone the skills and usage of my 55?

I have used the following skills with success at tanking battle attaxes, could not kill but that was not my point, I was testing to see if i could solo tank them.

Protective spirit
Bonettis defense
Healing breeze
Orison of healing
Blessed sig
Spell breaker
Essence Bond
Balthazars spirit

Thanks for any reply,
you can post here or PM me in the game



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Wrong forum.Try Farming



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


The 55 age has passed...

Welcome to the new age of Spirit Bond!



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

lol, 55 is still effective aswell, ur just not able to tank as much as u could with spirit bond, but about ur build u should take out orison of healing and put in mending, and instead of bonettis id put in blessed aura, thats what i use to tank UW and it works perfect. but i guess some people still use the mainstream mo/w :P



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Bayne The Mercenary A/x, Bayne The White Mo/W, Bayne The Phenom M/x, Bayne The Vicious N/Mo

whats the spirit bond build?

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

monk forum possibly?

just a hint, when u go spirit bond monk you cant tank Colds as well.

now for my 55 Mo/Me build i use

healing breese
prot spirit
spell breaker
blessed signet
*MANTA OF RESOLVE* (i NEVER get interrupted and i cast thrugh maelstorms and anything you want)
essence bond
bal spirit

why manta of resolve? i tank colds as well as smites, i NEVER get interrupted, manta is way more reliable then bonneties.
energy? im just smart with it



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Bayne The Mercenary A/x, Bayne The White Mo/W, Bayne The Phenom M/x, Bayne The Vicious N/Mo

nevermind about the spirit bond build i found it on wiki as well as a video thanks