Working for Survivor title

Shadow Wonder

Shadow Wonder

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

I am working my way for survival title but in a way i cna beceom lvl 20 in begginer island. Cantha
Right now i am in Seitung Harbor and lvl 11.
Anyone know what to do to gain my exp up fast to lvl 20 to gain my survivor title?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


fast = risk
quests are the most efficient way to get the first level of survivor but here's a good guide:


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


doing the quests / missions on starter island will get you to a max of lvl 17 roughly,(that's what I got first new Canthan doing everything and not farming things on the island) this includes all quests of second profession, everything on the island.

So to get the extra 3 levels you're probably going to have to fight until the highest level enemy on the island no longer gives you any experience.

You may wish to buy the letter instead of doing the Lost Son quest as it's hard with a 400 damage spell slapping you and your party around that area, and all the annoying enemeis to get to the son.

Use scrolls for better leveling up by killing...

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


You should go to Kaineng, get armor, and do the quests outside Kaineng and the Marketplace.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


I should post a running service for captured son, lol. Its easy to solo with the right character (not possible of course until later elites and all). If you need a hand with that one msg me, I love to show off. The one I wouldn't do is that chest quest nearby with the naga rit boss but thats probably easy with a w/me.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Kaineng Center

The Lightside


Doing the mission to unlock the main island can be risky too! Once you get across the hurdle, you can reach the Marketplace and do quests for quick XP.
I almost had a heart attack when I died at full health when Master Togo bit the dust...I was at level 15 too! Good thing Mission Failures do not count as a death.
Be sure you get someone to run to Kaineng Center to avoid deaths from the Afflicted.

If you saved up two Naga Pelts, you can turn that or trade it for the Naga Oil quest for an easy 4k XP.

What I do is have a Warrior do all the dirty work while I have person working on the Survivor Title stay in a safe area. As long you have friends to help out or pay someone for some runs. You should get Survivor Title without any problems!

Capping elite skills would be very helpful if you are around 15 or up, you gain more XP per level. 5k at 20!
Here's a picture of my A/W that I got to survivor, clocked at 16 hours to get to level 20.
Getting 400,000 more xp for the 2nd title is a toughy! I haven't done the "Mayhem in the Marketplace" quest yet.

* Would like to give credit to the Guild Wiki Guide on explaining the Survivor Title!

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by lennymon
I should post a running service for captured son, lol. Its easy to solo with the right character (not possible of course until later elites and all). If you need a hand with that one msg me, I love to show off. The one I wouldn't do is that chest quest nearby with the naga rit boss but thats probably easy with a w/me.
That Kianeng (Thats his name lol) Rit boss was semi nerfed attribute wise in the last update.

Instead of One Hit Killing any 15 or less person, now It takes 2-3 hits for him to kill you (depending on lvl and fortitude mods) if you are lvl15-16.