A story of trust....



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Scars Meadows [SMS]

A guild in my alliance were fighting with each other(mostly officers and the guild leader) about something, I have no clue what about. The next day the guild leader log's on, presses G and see's he has no members. Checks the loggs and see's that one of his officers kicked all 75 of his members and then left the guild. Now what was once a 85+ guild is nothing more than a few officers and one pissed off leader.

What I learned about this: Always make sure you don't got a 5-12 old officer and people get vengeful very easy.

This story is for all the guild leaders who want to make someone an officer, there's a big trust issue involve in it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005




Ouch! that must've really sucked.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bellevue, WA


Well, if the guild had any kind of community (rather than being a giant zerg of random invites where nobody knows each other) I'm sure most of those people will contact each other and figure out how to get together again.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


I guess it's the leader's fault...

He/She didn't choose his/her officiers wisely. Officiers are suppose to be loyal followers of the leader and they shouldn't even be fighting.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

The Fellowship Of The King [King]

ae u from TLS alliance ryan? cuz a guild in there had same story...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Our guild leader gets together with the full council and we sit and discuss who would make officer material and then we watch and wait or if we've already done the watching and waiting we simply call them in and offer the position to them.

Believe it or not we had one guy who didn't think he would make a very good officer but all of our officers thus far have been fully agreed upon by our 8member council.
It sucks when things like that happen - Even when an officer should follow his leader without question he is free to leave no one is holding him there.... No reason to split the guild unless he's just a royal "blank". =/ If the guild has any backbone for its leader it will merge back to what it was (forums are great for things like this btw) and without the idiot officer.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


This is a problem we are trying to convince our leader of. Right now we have it where he officers almost anyone that is active or GvGs regularly with us (not only a core 8-10)

One day its going to bite us.

Apoc Geddon

Apoc Geddon

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Anti Robot Movement [InD]


Heh, I had a similiar experience, except my guild is small and we only had one member. The rest were officers. The one member was my second account. One of the officers abruptly left for no particular reason and kicked my second account out of the guild.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

again the trust issues between guildies ..........

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Had that happen once. I promoted the guy cause he said he'd go recruit. Instead he kept spamming "Everyone to GH for gvg" I kept saying no, we don't even have 6 people on. So after it got unusually quite I hit "g" and saw I was memberless :S. Luckily I only had about 15 members when he kicked them so I just reinvited them back (after booting him). But I learned a lesson there.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Ugh, I know. Everytime I promote someone to officer, I get a little nervous. I usually don't let people be officers until they've been in the guild a minimum of a month and I don't let my other officers promote officers. Sorry that happened to you.

Mars Djinn06

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Adepts of Hesperia [Sun]


I was wandering if that had happened to anyone else. I had a similar experience before. I was the leader of my own guild with around 30 members. I logged off and the next day, i pressed G and saw my guild members were all gone, and only 4 officers were left on the roster. One of the officers kicked everyone. So then i decided to disband my guild and join another after another after another. I joined a total of 5 other guilds before deciding to start again with my best mate as an officer. I also get nervous when promoting people in the new guild i am in now. I am not sure if the officer will kick people out like the other person, so then i will depromote that officer when im offline. Then I will promote when i get back online.

This all changed when that officer did not kick any people when he was an officer and i was online. I could trust that person not to do such a thing. Lesson here is to only promote people who you can really really trust to be an officer.

I started my new guild about 3 weeks ago, and we have a total of 31 members (6 officers) who i can trust!




Join Date: Apr 2005

there are a few things that non-officers/new members dont know/understand about a guild, especially if it is a one where seniority matters (look @ your highschool and college frats/soros). try to look at different angles. maybe one of its officers recruit too much and another officer felt it was a mistake or something. try get into the inner circle and maybe youll understand it.

oh wait, the one who kicked the members also left the guild. lesson: let time go by before you trust someone.




Join Date: Sep 2006



This is a problem spanning across all games, I play BF2 online and we always have one person who earns trust, becomes a co-leader and loses 10 matches or so to eff up our record...its just one of those things...

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


make them all officers! works better for smaller guilds, but eliminates that issue completely

Cyan The Archer

Cyan The Archer

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



If you are an officer, and notice one of the other officeres going crazy kicking everyone then promote all members. The officer wont be able to kick them anymore. Of course you would need a Guild Leader to demote them after, but it's better than having him kick them all. (Happened to one of my guilds)

abyssal hunter

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guardians Of The Ashes (Leader)


i had the exact opposite heppen to my guild, one of my officers got pissed then promoted everyone then left. but instead of getting mad we made it a competition, who ever reqruited the most people got a prize (like 5k) and stayed an officer