15K Female Druid Armor from Grotto



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Does anyone know who to get the 15K Ranger Druid armor from Grotto a Deep Gold or Dark Black?
Will one Black make it black or grey?
And I have tried several combos to get Gold and they are all too close to brown and do not "look" gold at all:
Here is what I have tried to make Gold:
1. Silver + Yellow + Orange
2. Yellow + Orange
3. Yellow + Green + Orange

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

There is no shades of black. As for the gold, I have no idea.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

1 black will make it a washed out black, maby even with grayish greenish shade. no idea why people keep dying it black since its not black at all.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


This is a picture from another thread here a year ago...but didn't say how it was done...sure looks dark black..but how?

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

dont forget th dye color changes depending on the lighting, and screen resolution.

as much as i know about dyes, silver dye makes color lighter by abit, but also adds opacity, so if the black is REALLY very black it might be mix of blacks and a silver.

i had my druids black for 1 day.... 1 black makes then grey washed out, after spending 21k on dyes and being disaponted i just went to my nice old pink.

One Tall Amazon Btch

One Tall Amazon Btch

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006



Does anyone know who to get the 15K Ranger Druid armor from Grotto a Deep Gold or Dark Black?
Will one Black make it black or grey?
And I have tried several combos to get Gold and they are all too close to brown and do not "look" gold at all:
Here is what I have tried to make Gold:
1. Silver + Yellow + Orange
2. Yellow + Orange
3. Yellow + Green + Orange

DrGamer go to Guildwiki.org and look under the dye tb they every combo know to the human race..Somebody had a lot of time and alot of money on their hands...Goog Luck ..

One Tall Amazon Btch

One Tall Amazon Btch

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006



Originally Posted by DrGamer
Does anyone know who to get the 15K Ranger Druid armor from Grotto a Deep Gold or Dark Black?
Will one Black make it black or grey?
And I have tried several combos to get Gold and they are all too close to brown and do not "look" gold at all:
Here is what I have tried to make Gold:
1. Silver + Yellow + Orange
2. Yellow + Orange
3. Yellow + Green + Orange
DrGamer go to Guildwiki.org and look it up under Dye .. Someone had alot of time and alot of money on their hands...