Threat of Scamming? Being Reported ?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Earlier today I was in Droks Dis1 watching the usual WTS notices..Im no noob and am very familiar with prices....Like people trying to sell 30K swords for 100K +50 ectos...LOL thats funny...Anyways, I was selling materials and a few green items like the Dragoncrest axe, Grogs sword, Ironwing bows and Kephs Refuge. I get open chat comment saying Im scamming people because I was selling the item for more than its worth. It was Kephs refuge and I was selling for 10K LOL and I replied are you serious. If you wanna report someone, you better make a LONG LIST because most here are over pricing their products alot more than I am. Heres my point in all of this....I can sell anything I want for any price I want, as we all can. Its a free market out there and its definetly buyer beware. If you dont know what the true worth of an item is, dont buy it until you find out. Im sure some will flame me because I was overcharing alittle (7K) but that doesnt really matter since I can charge whatever I want. At least I am not out there selling swords and crap for 100K +50 ectos for a 30K sword. I can see the next comment coming, maybe I should get a sword and sell it for that price. Well guys, I already have a few pefect Fellblades (clean) 1 of them I am giving to a freind and the other wants to buy my second fellblade for 50K....and its his when he gives me the gold. They both are Perfect modded 15/50 max damage with VERY NICE secondary mods. I could sell these swords easily for 150K, but why bother.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

That's good for you, but if you don't have a question then there's no reason you should be posting on this forum. Closed.