Unlocked (quest reward) Chests


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



I was wondering if anyone knew of a place with information on these special chests. I have looked at Guildwiki and its information is quite limited. I ask because I was questing in FoW when someone told me that if you do not open the chest but wait (he did not say for what), you will get a better item later. I pondered the idea and decided to search for any info and that brings me here.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The FoW chest rumor is false. They'll only drop purples and don't get better when you wait.

Unlocked chests are:
Hidden stashes in Pre-Searing - white crap items
Chests in "The Deserters" quest - don't remember what they have
Chests in Kilroy Stonekins quest - purple items
Chests in UW/FoW - purple items
Chests in HoH - gold items



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


LOL, that silly rumor is posted here every other day.