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Mcfeefee & Grumple

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



Hey again.

I was looking through the q&a's and didn't find the answers for these questions of mine. here we go.

1. Where can i buy bags/satchels. i always run out of space in my inventory.

2. Where is the easiest place to sell items. I get weapons and armor from npc's that I think are fairly good. i think they are worth more than the 20 gold that the npc's offer in towns.

3. Where can i get: bones (for crafting), dye (for armor), and staffs (for a necromancer, whether it be loot, or purchasing.((preferably loot)) )

4. Where is a mentor or any npc that teaches summon golem, or summon range minions.

thank you for the help. if i posted in the wrong section im sorry. still new to this



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Mu Tants


All the answers can be found easily at


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I am assuming that you are playing Prophecies and not Factions.

I am also assuming you are in presearing.

There is a quest that will give you a belt pouch. Leave presearing and you will find all the merchants you need.

Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
Hey again.

I was looking through the q&a's and didn't find the answers for these questions of mine. here we go.

1. Where can i buy bags/satchels. i always run out of space in my inventory.
there is a collector Brownlow for your extra pouch. One thing about Pre-searing Ascalon is you can only have your original bag and that 5 slot pouch, when you goto post searing Ascalon you can purchase extra storage bags from Arnaud. This is the first big city and where Guild Wars really starts. With your purchasing of the last 2 storage bags you'll be able to buy runes of holding from this man Rolf, which will give you extra storage on your character. Also this is where you'll first encounter your storage vault which you get from Xunlain Agent here is where you will keep all of your stuff that you dont need to hold on your character all the time.
Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
2. Where is the easiest place to sell items. I get weapons and armor from npc's that I think are fairly good. i think they are worth more than the 20 gold that the npc's offer in towns.
Their are two ways of selling, one is to use the Trade Channel and sell to other players and the other way is to sell to the merchant, alot of what you will come across in pre-searing ascalon will be sold to the merchants there. 1 good way to know if you have something of any value is to check out the Guild Wars Guru Price Check forums as well as the Guild Wars Guru Auction House these are the two best and usually up to date on weapon pricing and baseline pricing all together. When you get your first gold "rare" weapon check the pricings and then use the trade channel as mentioned above and try to sell it to another player. Now, since there are titles in place in the game you can normally sell "rare" unidentified weapons to other players for around 1 platinum each, and some will even turn around and give you the weapon back.
Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
3. Where can i get: bones (for crafting), dye (for armor), and staffs (for a necromancer, whether it be loot, or purchasing.((preferably loot)) )
Bones and other crafting materials Common Crafting Materials can be purchased from Material Traders as well and recieved from enemies as dropped "loot" also there is Rare Crafting Materials which you might use later in the game for more expensive armor, these too can be obtained from a Rare Materials Crafter or from enemies as dropped "loot". But, materials can be salvaged from other things as well Salvaged Items. For example, you get a bone staff as a drop you select your salvage kit, and salvage the staff into X amount of bones. Blue weapons with a "highly salvagable" on it will normally give you a higher amount of the materials, so instead of getting say, 15 bones a highly salvagable item might me salvaged for 30-40 bones.
Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
4. Where is a mentor or any npc that teaches summon golem, or summon range minions.
I assume you're talking about Animate Flesh Golem which is an elite skill only obtainable with having the Factions Campaign, and again i'm assuming you only have prophecies so you will never be able to get Animate Flesh Golem, unless you purchase Factions. As well, the ranged Minions or Bone Fiends can be taught by completeing the quest The Forgtoten Oneswhich is much later in the game. Or, once you get to Beacons Perch and get a run to Droknars Forge you can purchase this skill from a skill trainer Bartoch
Originally Posted by Mcfeefee & Grumple
thank you for the help. if i posted in the wrong section im sorry. still new to this

Welcome to the world of Guild Wars, just remember that everyone here once had these same questions when they first started out so never be afraid to ask there is alot of knowledge floating around these forums as well as many of the other Guild Wars forums. And if you have anything else you need to ask feel free to PM me in game -- Astro Pubes