A list of noob questions I have...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


Hi, I just bought the game last weekend and been playing it a lot. I have a lvl 11 E/Mo and have been doing side quests in post-searing. I have a few questions, so any help is greatly appreciated.

1. I know that the dyes are for coloring your armor and stuff, but how come they are so expensive? I've read in this forum that one should keep all the dyes, but if i can sell a black dye for 700g, that's good right? I only have 1.5k now and selling dyes seem to make money at this moment. Do they serve any other purpose? Should I keep all the dyes even if I'm not interested in dying my weapon?

2. Missions vs quests. As I mentioned, I've been doing a lot of the side quests and haven't started the mission in post-searing. Is it a good idea to do the mission and quests concurrently? Or it doesn't matter?

3. Expert salvage tool vs salvage tool. Should i only use the expert salvage tools on items that says "highly salvageable"? Can other things be salvaged even if it doesn't say "salvage item"?

4. Crating materials. I have found a lot (although mostly common ones), but they are taking up a lot of space in my inventory and storage. I don't think I will need them anytime soon so should i sell them or keep them? Are they worth selling?

5. Storage. How do I get the extra bags in my inventory? I only have a belt pouch now.

6. Skills. So far I obtain skills from doing missions/quests and buying from skill trainer with skill points. Are these the only ways to obtain skills?

7. Attribute refund points. I've read that everytime I level up I can refund attribute points? Can I refund every single point I spent before? Or are there limitations on how many points I can refund.

8. Can someone explain some of the general terms used in chat? Such as WTB, GLF, 55Monk, etc.

Thanks a lot.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

Black dyes are worth 9k ATM.
Missions , and primary quests, further you through the gane. The other quests are for experience.
Using a high salvage will get you more/better materials when salvaged, and if they have a prefix or suffix in their name, you get that instead. [Like a bow grip of whatever]
I would sell them, or keep cloth/silk/glittering dust, as you can use them for armour.
You buy them from a merchant.
You can capture elite skills from either [in your case] the ele or mo boss. [Later in the game]
They where removed ages ago, dont worry, you can refund and spend an infinate amount.


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
1. I know that the dyes are for coloring your armor and stuff, but how come they are so expensive? I've read in this forum that one should keep all the dyes, but if i can sell a black dye for 700g, that's good right? I only have 1.5k now and selling dyes seem to make money at this moment. Do they serve any other purpose? Should I keep all the dyes even if I'm not interested in dying my weapon?
Only sell Black and Silver dyes to other people. Sell the others to the Dye Trader. Black dye is worth atleast 9-10k which is 9000 gold pieces. Allways check with the trader for the values of Dyes before selling them.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
2. Missions vs quests. As I mentioned, I've been doing a lot of the side quests and haven't started the mission in post-searing. Is it a good idea to do the mission and quests concurrently? Or it doesn't matter?
Some quests lead you to missions. These are listed under the "Primary Quest's" section in your Quest window, by pressing L. After completing a mission, it takes you to the next town to follow the story line.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
3. Expert salvage tool vs salvage tool. Should i only use the expert salvage tools on items that says "highly salvageable"? Can other things be salvaged even if it doesn't say "salvage item"?
You can salvage anything except crafting materials, runes, weapon upgrades, quest items and unique green weapons. The Highly Salvagable things provide more salvage than other things in compariston. For example a highly salvagable bow may provide 70 wood planks, whilst a normal bow exactly the same will give 30. Expert and Superior salvage kits are used to get runes and weapon mods from weapons or armour.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
4. Crating materials. I have found a lot (although mostly common ones), but they are taking up a lot of space in my inventory and storage. I don't think I will need them anytime soon so should i sell them or keep them? Are they worth selling?
The same pattern as dyes, you should check with the Material Traders for the values. If you have access to Factions you can purchase a storage upgrade for 50 gold that gives you a slot for each crafting material.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
5. Storage. How do I get the extra bags in my inventory? I only have a belt pouch now.
You can buy bags from Merchants all over. Click here to see where you can get them. Bags come with 5 slots. You can expand a bag using a Rune of Holding, to see where they are sold, click here.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
Skills. So far I obtain skills from doing missions/quests and buying from skill trainer with skill points. Are these the only ways to obtain skills?
Those are the only ways to obtain many normal skills. You can capture skills from bosses using a Signet Of Capture. All bosses in Tyria use Elite skills and most of the Canthan high level bosses also use Elite skills. Elite skills can only be captured with a Signet Of Capture, they cannot be purchased.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
Attribute refund points. I've read that everytime I level up I can refund attribute points? Can I refund every single point I spent before? Or are there limitations on how many points I can refund.
When you level up, you gain a certain amount of attribute points dependant on your level. You can move points from any attribute into others in any town or outpost.

Originally Posted by Arcueid13
Can someone explain some of the general terms used in chat? Such as WTB, GLF, 55Monk, etc.
These are all short terms for certain well known sayings. WTB = Want to buy, GLF = Group looking for, 55Monk = A certain type of Monk build.
For a full list of abbreviations click here.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


1. Most dyes are not not worth anything except for silver and black. I f you don't want to use them then sell then to another player since you won't get as much from a merchant.
2. Missions will move the story along and some are required to do to get to the next area. Quests are ther to get you money, experience, some skills and maybe items. They are optional but doing them helps you level up faster. You can do them later if you want.
3. The slavage tool will get you base materials from the item. Expert salavge tool has a chance of getting you a rare material or a rune or a weapon mod that you can sell. Materials will be needed to make armor in the game. The highly salvagable means you will get more materials than usual out of it or a higher chance of rare materials.
4. You do not need to keep every material you get just the ones you want to use to make armor with.
5. There are 2 merchants in Ascalon City, one of them sells the bags. Once you have them in your inventory double click them to use them.
6. The only other way to get skills it with a signet of capture which you will get later in the game.
7. You can move your attribute points around as much as you wish but you have to be in a town or outpost to do it.
8. The terms are:
WTB want to buy
WTS want to sell
LFG looking for group
GFL group looking for
55monk is a type of monk skill build where they only have 55 hit points.

Good luck


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


thank you all for helping!! can't wait to play the game after work!!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


When u get into game ....feel free to add me to your contact list or send me a PM with any questions.

IGN: Coridan A



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

That whole "attribute refund" system was removed quite a long time ago so you are reading some really old info on it. It used to be that you'd earn "refund points" that you could then use to be able to rearrange attributes.

I'm so glad they did away with all of that!

If bags cannot be bought in Ascalon then try either Sardelac or Great Northern Wall. You can also apply a Rune of Holding to each of the 2 bags to double their size.

For materials, I recommend using guildwiki and looking up the armor that is available at Droknar's Forge to see what they need for materials and start collecting it now. Guildwiki will also list which items salvage into which materials so you can know what to salvage and what to sell.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Bayne The Mercenary A/x, Bayne The White Mo/W, Bayne The Phenom M/x, Bayne The Vicious N/Mo

Same here...if you want to add me to your friends list my name is Bayne Woods, do this by pressing N and typing in the name of the person that you would like to add, I have been playing for 13 months so i might be able to help you and i am online just about everyday. hope to see you online!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


I usually suggest keeping the dyes and just using them. I use the ones I find to dye my armor, experiment, ect. It's more expensive to buy them than to find them. Black and silver would be worth selling if you need money - I sold my black dyes when they were going for 9k at 8k a piece and made myself a tidy profit (although now I'm keeping them). When I was at an earlier part in the game, I was much happier having the money than the dyes, particularly as I don't think it's worth it to use an expensive black dye until you have max armor that you love.

Money doesn't have to be a huge deal - at the lower levels, you won't need a ton of it. You can probaby get set up with a lot of the armor for cheap or from collectors (I recall the armor in Ascalon City being pretty reasonable). One suggestion I have is that if you want to save a little, go for the cheaper armor that doesn't have the bonuses at the lower levels. If you have the materials and can afford it, great, but if you find yourself struggling, I find it's a good place to cut a corner. You can usually find a decent weapon around, or get one from a chest or from another player (if there's a particular element you're working with and you need a weapon, let me know and I can get something your direction). Some people really fret money at the early parts of the game, and my suggestion is don't.

It really doesn't matter how you do the missions and quests, but the quests will get you skills, so they're good to do. First time through, I usually recommend taking your time and having fun, just doing what you feel like.

If you're feeling that a lot of your inventory is taken up by stuff (and you don't have Factions for the storage upgrade), you can also create a "mule" PvP character. A PvP character has access to the same storage the rest of your chars do, and you can use it to just throw stuff on to keep it from cluttering up your inventory. I did this for a while, usually throwing dyes or weapons I wanted to keep for future potential characters, runes, ect. It really helped de-clutter things.

Seconding the guildwiki suggestion: http://www.guildwiki.org/ . I love that site; you can find all kinds of information about armor, weapons, materials, you name it. It's the most comprehensive site I've seen (likely because it's got so many people contributing!).

I'm Elinora Ne Sangre in game; feel free to give me a shout if you need anything or have questions.
