One in a Million
Hello again, isch again, author of the enitrely under whelming 'An Alliance Idea', and here I present my next scenario/guild. I was again reading about setting up a new guild, and how it is recommended that you start with a couple of RL firneds. I propose a guild started by one lone player, preferebly with very little resources. This may sound like every other Ascalon Guild that has ever been created, but I again put forward a proposal. Instead of just your old week-old, this guild, One in a Million(working title), be a project in GW sociological and athropological studies. This player, I will not again be doing this, it is only a fancy, would chronicle the hopefully rise of OiaM, or the horrible death of it, and give the socilogical and anthropological explanaitions for it. In the end I hope what would have come of the guild help other players set up their own, one manners and make it grow. Instead of, what is probably, pure conjecture on the part of the helpful memebers of this forum, this guild would act as a real life, comparative, and the lead offering the diffenitive advice of the do's and do nots of setting up a similar guild. In the end I may quit my guild, of which i am merely a member, and set out on my own. If I do i will chronicle my results on this forum, and relay any lessons I may have learnt along the may.
Again if you are going to set up on your own, please send my a PM, as i will be reatly interested, and if you want any more info on what I really mean in this post, agian PM me.
Again if you are going to set up on your own, please send my a PM, as i will be reatly interested, and if you want any more info on what I really mean in this post, agian PM me.
Calan The Powerful
WTF u like to use big words dont u HEY its a game not ur psych class dude like RVD says "Play the game"
There are different ways to play. I do play the game like a game, but sometimes i want to know what makes the community tick.
And I have never been to a psych class.
And I have never been to a psych class.
Sorry, I have taken a few psych classes and this post doesn't make any sense to me either. I'm not sure what you are asking for. Can you try to put it more simply and to the point?
Aguild is started by only one person, they then try to make the guild succesful on their own, using any means. Then they post here, telling the forum of their experiences and how/how not to make a good guild.
Hm, that could be an interesting experiment. I wonder if you would be able to use your findings for a Sociology thesis?
To teenchi: It's not a psychological experiment, it's a sociological experiment. While that is still a subsect of Psychology it's not covered in enough depth during general psych courses for a person with no Sociology background to fully comprehend.
To teenchi: It's not a psychological experiment, it's a sociological experiment. While that is still a subsect of Psychology it's not covered in enough depth during general psych courses for a person with no Sociology background to fully comprehend.
Phaern Majes
Basically sociology is more about how groups of people work, communities, cultures, etc. Whereas psychology tends to focus on individual cases.
Thank you for the clarification on psych vs soc. You are right, I entirely skipped sociology in college for the sake of anthro.
Hmm... very interesting. I'm actually taking a high school sociology class this year, and this would make for an excellent end-of-year project. I'd love to join in on this project. I wouldn't be active enough to be the test subject, however.
I could possibly be the test subject.
well penguo seems to be the subject. i may buy another account ad become an officer or something. Even though i have never done a socialology class before i'll try to comment on his findings. Penguo will post what happens from founding the guild to its possible destruction.
Well day one didnt go too bad, not too good either. At the end of the day our numbers are:
Members: 3 (4 including my second account)
Alliance: 2( We are the leaders. Another new guild wanted to allign with us. They have 11 members as of today.)
The other two in my guild are my brother (im trying to keep him from a major role) and a level 13. It seems the 13 will stay, because he does not mind if we are not the best and don't have the highest numbers, where as those who have a few months under their belt join with a closed mind and are gone in 5 minutes. Recruiting went slowly, it seems most people are in a guild, or don't like the prospect of joining a new guild.
That's the end of day one, hopefully the following days will provide more information.
Members: 3 (4 including my second account)
Alliance: 2( We are the leaders. Another new guild wanted to allign with us. They have 11 members as of today.)
The other two in my guild are my brother (im trying to keep him from a major role) and a level 13. It seems the 13 will stay, because he does not mind if we are not the best and don't have the highest numbers, where as those who have a few months under their belt join with a closed mind and are gone in 5 minutes. Recruiting went slowly, it seems most people are in a guild, or don't like the prospect of joining a new guild.
That's the end of day one, hopefully the following days will provide more information.
Members: 2 (3 including my second account, so as it stands, me, my second account, and my brother)
Alliance: 2
Today I couldnt play but my brother told me the person had left, he was probably put out that he was one of the few members, and nothing went on last night.
Alliance: 2
Today I couldnt play but my brother told me the person had left, he was probably put out that he was one of the few members, and nothing went on last night.
Day 3
Members: 2
Alliance guilds:3
Today I tryed to recruit but couldnt find anyone, hopefully better results tomorrow
Members: 2
Alliance guilds:3
Today I tryed to recruit but couldnt find anyone, hopefully better results tomorrow
Day 4:
Guilds in alliance-3
Wasn't able to play much Day 4, just to try for half an hour recruiting, tonight should go better. I guess people hate the prospect of a new guild.
Guilds in alliance-3
Wasn't able to play much Day 4, just to try for half an hour recruiting, tonight should go better. I guess people hate the prospect of a new guild.
Hey, i just wanted to see the developmetn of a one man guild. Everybody on this forums is like "Ohh, my guild is terrible, please help" and " I am the only member in my guild, help". Then you all give advice, the same advice, recruit more, do stuff, organise rns and events. And even if you do some, your guild still fails. At least this way we see how it should/shouldnt be done, and what (not) to do. I gave someone the chance to do something good to help all the one manner's out there and all you can say is 'i'm dumber for reading this forum', well you come up with an idea to really help people set up a guild in GW.
Well I was already starting a new guild and felt like it wouldnt hurt to say what happens. No need to call it stupid though.
I think a great deal depends on the one person who starts the guild and you really can't take one "test run" and apply it to everyone. There are going to be a ton of factors involved here:
(these are general points, not necessarily directed at penguo)
personality - are you friendly, do the guildies feel like you care about them and want to play with them or are they just a number?
participation in-game - do you spend all your time recruiting or do you play the game? do you answer questions or otherwise help them out? how often do you play?
"add-ons" - does the guild have a forum to help build community, communicate, get to know one another? Perhaps a voice chat if people want that?
guildies - adding the right players can make a big difference and they also reflect on the above items - if the leader is always recruiting but there are fun players in the guild it'll make a difference
Some points to consider and I'm sure there are a number of other factors.
(these are general points, not necessarily directed at penguo)
personality - are you friendly, do the guildies feel like you care about them and want to play with them or are they just a number?
participation in-game - do you spend all your time recruiting or do you play the game? do you answer questions or otherwise help them out? how often do you play?
"add-ons" - does the guild have a forum to help build community, communicate, get to know one another? Perhaps a voice chat if people want that?
guildies - adding the right players can make a big difference and they also reflect on the above items - if the leader is always recruiting but there are fun players in the guild it'll make a difference
Some points to consider and I'm sure there are a number of other factors.
DeanBB does give a point but I'll still post what's happening though.
Well I picked up an alliance last night and a member, the member left in 5 minutes. Guilds are easier to recruit than people at the moment. I try to keep the alliance active though by maybe AB with a few people or get some chat going.
Well I picked up an alliance last night and a member, the member left in 5 minutes. Guilds are easier to recruit than people at the moment. I try to keep the alliance active though by maybe AB with a few people or get some chat going.
It depends on the people you have in your guild. A lot of people join a guild just to join a guild. My guild has been going strong since the beginning, and doesnt look to slow down any. I screen my new guildies, and make sure they are mature, and want to help others, not only in the guild but out. We don't want anyone calling anyone noobs, or I pwned you in pvp or gvg... if that happens they apologize or they are out. I don't have to worry about that though since they are all mature, and wouldn't say that. I understand what you are wanting to do, but it all depends on the guild leaders, and what type of guild they have.
If they are a bunch of youngsters who are immature and just like to name call then thats all you will get out of them. That goes for the mature guilds who just want to play for fun and relax, and do it for enjoyment with others. There are many personalities out there, so I don't see how this will help anyone, (I could be wrong, it's only my opinion).
If they are a bunch of youngsters who are immature and just like to name call then thats all you will get out of them. That goes for the mature guilds who just want to play for fun and relax, and do it for enjoyment with others. There are many personalities out there, so I don't see how this will help anyone, (I could be wrong, it's only my opinion).