Question about HSR/HCT Stacking with items of same attribute



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006


Hi guys,

I have a question to do with stacking of HSR/HCT items.

Im not really sure how it works.

If you have a 20% HSR Wand and a 20% HSR Offhand, what is the result?

I assume it isn't a full 40% recharge.... but how does the math work? If it is 40% then thats just SWEET but for some reason I thought the rule was much more complex than this.

Example, Does Brohn's Holy Rod + Straw Effigy give you 40% HSR on healing. I should mention this is for the same attribute and not multiple ones.

Can someone please clarify for me how this works?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006


Thanks for the link... but I think I suck at math which is a little embarrassing

Maybe Im just tired... Ill try to read it again tmw In the meantime if you have a simple way to explain it I'd love to hear.... I am mainly just curious if its worthwhile to put two 20/20's on a char or if its really a waste and I should focus on something else.

thanks for the reply. I hope tomorrow I can read better, its been a hell of a long day.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

For half casting, you'll get 4% chance for quarter casting time, 32% chance half casting time, 64% chance normal.

For recharge, you'll get 36% half recharge, 64% normal.