How Seirous Should You Be About Running Your Guild?

Calan The Powerful

Calan The Powerful


Join Date: Jun 2006


Dwarven Soldiers [ARMY]


Well my guild fell out but im rebuild it. but my officers got pissed at me cause i was seirous about it i needed them to recruit to i know the memebrs dont have to be seirous but should me and the officers be? pleaqse answer


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Moonfall Warriors


It depends on what your guild is out to acheive. Are you just going to make a friendly guild designed to help others out through the game and have a good time every now and then PvPing? Or are you going to be a dead serious guild which makes its members and officers compete in alliance battles to keep your guild standing higher in faction points? You have to figure out which one of those your going to be. Once you figure out which your guild will be then youve answered your pwn question.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

The Legion of Knights Errant

Your question is almost too subjective to be answered. Every guild leader/officer will have differing views on the definition of "serious."

As far as I'm concerned the guild leader should be serious about the guild. What I mean by that is, he/she should be very serious about making the guild a fun/friendly atmosphere no matter what type of guild you're in. If morale gets too low you're gonna lose the guild (trust me, I know this from first hand experience). The leader will also have to be serious about keeping the administrative side of the guild running, recruiting, promotions/demotions...all of this is time consuming work and if you're not serious about it it will never get done. You can always work with your officers and see if they would be willing to share the work load, but that will force them to be just as serious about the guilds survival.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


As far as I'm concerned the guild leader should be serious about the guild. What I mean by that is, he/she should be very serious about making the guild a fun/friendly atmosphere no matter what type of guild you're in. If morale gets too low you're gonna lose the guild (trust me, I know this from first hand experience). The leader will also have to be serious about keeping the administrative side of the guild running, recruiting, promotions/demotions...all of this is time consuming work and if you're not serious about it it will never get done. You can always work with your officers and see if they would be willing to share the work load, but that will force them to be just as serious about the guilds survival.
Very well put. The main load is on the guild leader. I don't even really have my officers actively recruit unless they've played with someone that they feel would be an asset to the guild. They are more figureheads than anything else in my guild. I like their presence for things like monitoring the guild and alliance chat to keep me informed of any people in my guild that might need some "friendly advice" on not spamming or acting like idiots in those 2 chat arenas. I also like them on in case people want to schedule a gvg (which doesn't happen very often), or just someone there who is helpful and knows the game well. I have one officer that organizes alliance battles because he loves to do it but I would never make him. I don't force my officers to do much else besides just set a good example for other members and gently keep players in line without abusing power. They are not allowed to kick any members of my guild unless it's an immediate need, otherwise they wait for me to come on to discuss the problem.

As the guild leader, I do all the administrative work, keep the forum going, recruiting, kicking and alliance stuff. I'm sure other people have other philosophies for making the guild work but this one has worked well for me. I don't abuse my power with my officers, I don't force them to do extra duties that they aren't comfortable with. If they don't want to do my very basic requirements, then they aren't cut out for officership. Another tip is don't make anyone under 16 an officer. My youngest officer is 17 and very mature. You also don't need a lot of officers if you have a small guild.

Good luck. Running a guild is a lot of work and most it will fall on you as the leader.

EaT Macros

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


Melted Chocolate Bunnies [EaT]


Originally Posted by Calan The Powerful
Well my guild fell out but im rebuild it. but my officers got pissed at me cause i was seirous about it i needed them to recruit to i know the memebrs dont have to be seirous but should me and the officers be? pleaqse answer
How can you expect your officers to be serious when you make typo's like that?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK


Originally Posted by EaT Macros
How can you expect your officers to be serious when you make typo's like that?
Oh woop-de-doo, he made 4 or so typos, and they were common typos. Nobody's perfect, nor are you.

I mean, I could go on about your punctuation...typo's..huh? What's with the ' ? Nothing belongs to anyone nor does it abbreviate any letters.

EaT Macros

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


Melted Chocolate Bunnies [EaT]


Originally Posted by Josh
Oh woop-de-doo, he made 4 or so typos, and they were common typos. Nobody's perfect, nor are you.

I mean, I could go on about your punctuation...typo's..huh? What's with the ' ? Nothing belongs to anyone nor does it abbreviate any letters.
It is just a joke, I was not seirous.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Originally Posted by Calan The Powerful
Well my guild fell out but im rebuild it. but my officers got pissed at me cause i was seirous about it i needed them to recruit to i know the memebrs dont have to be seirous but should me and the officers be? pleaqse answer
How can you expect your officers to be serious when you make typo's like that?
Sorry I have to agree. It was hard for me to read this post and take it seriously at first. There are a lot of typos in here. It's not that long of a paragraph, he/she could have taken 1 minute to reread the post and fix it.

Here, I've tried to fix it for you as best I as I could interpret it.
My guild had a falling out but I'm trying to rebuild it. Now my officers have gotten pissed at me because I am being serious about it. I need them to recruit too. I know that the members don't have to be serious, but should the officers and I be so serious? Please advise.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


I can't seem to get the edit feature to post my fix so I'm adding on here. I just wanted to try to help.

Here, I've tried to fix it for you as best I as I could interpret it.
My guild had a falling out but I'm trying to rebuild it. Now my officers have gotten pissed at me because I am being serious about it. I need them to recruit too. I know that the members don't have to be serious, but should the officers and I be so serious? Please advise.