I'm still new at this game and don't know much on weapon prices. If any one could give me an estimate what these are worth that would be kick ass! and it would make it easer for me to sell. Thanks ^ ^
Gold Sundering long bow 15- 28: Req12, damage 14% when enchanted, armor pen + %20 (19% chance).
Gold Heavy Rams Hammer 19-25: Req10, +19% when health is %50 or lower, weakness duration on foes 33% longer.
Questions on two items.. Thanks ^ ^
Terra Xin
I would usually never sell anything unless it has perfect mods, it may take longer to sell. But yeah, check the thread above, it'll help. You can also trade on these forums and get PriceChecks here as well, so long as you read their stickies first.
1) 5k max /salv
2) merch
also, it's right, pc forum is the appropriate place
2) merch
also, it's right, pc forum is the appropriate place
Both are only worth salvaging, the bow might have been worth a bit if the req wasn't that high.