Quick alliance question


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dignity Glory Strength [DGS]

So I've pretty much had enough of PvE. I quit this game for a few months because the PvE from Factions annoyed me so much. Now I've moved on to PvP and was having fun with alliance battles, until I started a new guild. Now, it seems that I have to register with an alliance representative to hook up with the Luxons or the Kurzicks. Now, my question is, do I have to go through all these missions to get to the point where I can ally with one side or the other? Is there any other way? I've really, really, had enough with PvE and I'd pretty much do anything to avoid having to go through that again...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



If you don't want to go through the missions, take someone whom you trust(and has already reached Cavalon or HzH) and appoint him/her GL. Have the person talk to the representative in the respective city. Then, the person appoints you GL and you should be set.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dignity Glory Strength [DGS]

That's a good idea, but my guild is just me And I don't know too many people who have reached that point in Factions without getting scooped up by some guild or another.