Foci stat +1 to Attribute chance X% bugged?

Perfected Shadow

Perfected Shadow

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Umes Uranger U[bot]

I've got a Jeweled Chakram and it has Illusion Magic+1 20% chance while using skills.

Maybe I'm wrong in my understanding of how it works. So it has a 20% chance of increasing my Illusion Magic attribute by 1 when I use a skill? Say if I use Conjure Phantasm and the 20% chance succeeds, Conjure Phant. will last longer because of the +1 Attribute added?

If that is how it goes, then I think it's bugged because I've used Images of Remorse and Illusionary Weaponry many times at 15 Illusion Magic and the values listed for the skills has never changed (ie IW's always at 40 dmg even after casting it a million times).

It's either I'm EXTREMELY unlucky that the 20% chance won't trigger or something's wrong with my focus or with all other foci. Thanks for any help.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save The Dragons


actully i don't think it will say on the skill that the lvl is higher or the dmg is higher but when the 20% does kick in it does it with out change the skill lvl or anything you will notice that 20% time tho that the skill will hit harder but it won't say it in the skill

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Tell that to my level 28 flesh golems....



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


no, the skill description wont have to look at all the pretty yellow numbers floating off as things die! I use a +1 Domination Magic (20% chance) on my Mesmer. My Chaos Storm does 14 damage per second, but often, when I use the focus I will see 15 damage per second. Oddly though, I find that the 20% chance usually works on Chaos Storm a lot more than any other domination skill...not sure why. It is all down to luck I guess.

Perfected Shadow

Perfected Shadow

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Umes Uranger U[bot]

20% time tho that the skill will hit harder but it won't say it in the skill
no, the skill description wont have to look at all the pretty yellow numbers floating off as things die!
Illusionary Weaponry always does 40 dmg (the values floating above enemies) and similarly with Images of Remorse, it always does 52. Damn I don't know what's wrong then.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


It must be bugged with that skill then because I use items with +1 all the time and the effects do work for me (I see the values increase).

Perfected Shadow

Perfected Shadow

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Umes Uranger U[bot]

So it could be those skills but can anyone try em just to make sure? I'll try more Illusion skills meanwhile...

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


No, I use the Rockmolder that has a +1 to illusion magic 20% of the time... and it works fine with IW for me...

Are you In-game now? maybe I can help you if I could see for myself...


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


You will actually see the +1 go up if you open your H screen and look while casting. Try going to the Isle of the Nameless and try it a couple of times on the wooden dummies there and watch your attribute tab on your H screen when you cast.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


Perhaps there is simply no damage difference between your current skill level, and your +1 level?

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


nah at rank 16, the damage of IW increases from 40-42 damage. While IoR has a steady increase towards attacking foes.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

my +1 curses staff kicks pretty well!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Mehtani Keys

The Extraordinary Revolution [ReVo]


Try buying Mesmer of Lyssa blessing (the one that increase mesmer attributes) and see if you can do more dmg with those mentioned skills. Also keep an eye when using your +1 Focci, they stack and you can achieve 18 total Attribute. GuildWiki doesn't have the exact value for dmg at 18 attribute.

Perfected Shadow

Perfected Shadow

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Umes Uranger U[bot]

Ah finally it worked after quite a while in the nameless isle, and it did show the increased value on the IW enchantment icon; 42 instead of 40. I'd like that 20% chance increased though. Thanks for all the help.