Why Warrior Players Prefer Str Shields Over Tactics?


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Join Date: Apr 2005


Silent Assassin


FROM WHAT I SAW warriors always buying like stance shields that req str couse any 1 please tell me what heppent?what skills str has that it makes it so good and wanted?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

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Some warriors don't have any points in tactics sometimes, but almost always have in strength, this is what I can think of atleast



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


A lot of people purchased Sentinal armor for their warriors with the release of Factions for the 100AL base. This armor requires 13 Strength to receive the full armor level. They are meeting the requirement of their armor, and putting the rest of their attribute points into their weapon rather than tactics.

Still tactics for me though!


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005


Silent Assassin


bah thats stupid becouse tactic skills adds so much more than 20 armor !!heh thanks for answer that does make sense



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Another reason - strength is superior for farming (soloing) -> Dolyak Signet, Endure Pain, "I will survive", Sprint/Rush

For normal PvE though tactics is better.

(obviously that's just my opinion).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


It all boils down to what you're doing more of really, just get both types of shield and problems solved


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


When playing a dmg warrior most of the time my points are all in my weapon attribute and strength. As said above, strength gives a couple of very nice skills to let you take a bit of a pounding while not being full on tank (tactics stances aren't the end all be all btw) Dolyak Sig, Endure Pain and a number of attack skills are linked to strength as well.

When I go full tank, I have no points in my weapon and just go with Strength and Tactics.

Priest Of Sin

Priest Of Sin

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Strength is so broken and useless... I prefer tactics! Or a healthy mix between tactics, strength, and my weapon. Dolyak Signet+Watch Yourself! ftw



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


yeah right, as if you know what you're talking about.

For your information Dolyak is strength and you need 15 in Strength to keep it up at all times.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

...and you'd need a healthy mix of Tacs and Strength for both Dolyak & WY?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


not really since WY is an adr. skill



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

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why strength is prefered should be obvious. for each point of strength you get 1% armor penetration. so if u want to do damage u put all your points into strength and to weapon type you prefer .

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Another wo/mo asking a question and then calling people stupid when
they answer it. Gotta love them.

I prefer strength based shields too, but I like to maximize damage output
and trust the healers to back me up.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Modified Soul Society [SOUL]


I have too many sheilds....I do have one of each of the collectors sheilds, str and tact, I also have an enchant one a +30 all the time one, a hexed one.....

You use what shield you need for your build, if I find a new build I go and get a new sheild.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by majoho
not really since WY is an adr. skill
I don't see your point.

Strength's inherent effect is crappy (only AP's when using attack skills), so pumping up strength for something besides the skills or Sentinal's armor is not worth it.

The Sentinal's theory makes most sense to me. I assume people choose equipment based on build, but I think that's a long reach.

The Pointless

The Pointless

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Only reason I would have to use Tactics is Healing Sig,, which is rubbish. Honestly, I have no idea why Wammos use it when they have perfectly useful Monk heals at their disposal. I, as a W/Me, use Ether Feast.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

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Please explain why heal. sig. is "rubbish".


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

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I definitely prefer Tactics over Strength.

Bonetti's > all Str skills.

The Pointless

The Pointless

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Originally Posted by Skuld
Please explain why heal. sig. is "rubbish".
That -40 Armour. Not a good thing in the middle of a fight.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Strength is the Warrior's Primary attribute, so i guess thats why they go for shields req strength rather than tactics


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by The Pointless
That -40 Armour. Not a good thing in the middle of a fight.
Same thing can be said about Frenzy.

Young Hero

Young Hero

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Originally Posted by Nickhimself
I definitely prefer Tactics over Strength.

Bonetti's > all Str skills.
I second that

Any shield with a req of over 9str is trash.
Rarely do I have more than 9 in str att.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Skuld
Please explain why heal. sig. is "rubbish".
sigh...this whole thread is utter crap, and I'm too lazy to put anything productive about how strength is pretty rubbish but most warriors should have around 9 in it, or about how heal sig is amazing, or about how frenzy is the best IAS, or that sentinel's armor is retarded, or any of the things I do in the warrior subfolder, where this should be.

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

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as a caster (mostly) i tend to see healing signet as a good time for a spike.

healing signet is useful, and provides decent healing... as long as certain conditions arent met.

rubbish? dunno about that... but (Especially Wammos) there are some skills that can do the job much better. When it comes down to it, Heal sig is a good skill, but definately not the best.

Str shields are more universal-> but if your build is set up for tactics, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using tactics shields.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

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There are some Really good PVE strength builds out there. Check out the "Enduring Warrior" build on guildwiki. Works great. I don't know about PVP strength builds though, as I don't care for PVP.

Thom is right though this has been discussed at length in the warrior section of the campfire.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Hollerith
I don't see your point.

Strength's inherent effect is crappy (only AP's when using attack skills), so pumping up strength for something besides the skills or Sentinal's armor is not worth it.

The Sentinal's theory makes most sense to me. I assume people choose equipment based on build, but I think that's a long reach.
And what would your point be then, tactics don't have any inherent effect at all.

And btw. I never said to pick strength because of the inherent effect anyway.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

My inherent comment wasn't directed at you, was commenting on the latest posts. Bad formatting on my part.

I don't see your point that tactics doesn't matter for WY because it's an adrenal skill.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

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Alot of PvE warriors will also want to GvG with the warrior - Where Tactics is NEVER used (beyond heal sig) and Str is always there for Bull's Strike.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Defiant Dragons

Originally Posted by Caleb The Pontiff
A lot of people purchased Sentinal armor for their warriors with the release of Factions for the 100AL base. This armor requires 13 Strength to receive the full armor level. They are meeting the requirement of their armor, and putting the rest of their attribute points into their weapon rather than tactics.

Still tactics for me though!
This is the main reason I use strength-based shields: sentinel's armor and the 13 Strength requirement. I use a major atrength rune and a major weapon rune, minor tactics, so the final setup is usually 13 strength, 14 weapon, and 11 tactics (or 10 in a secondary profession attribute, like healing prayers for soloing)

healing signet and Bonetti's are both very good skills, but 116 base AL (with the shield) and 18/20 seconds where it goes to 152 AL with Dolyak's up, prevents a LOT of damage. If I'm running tactics, healing signet is perfect for use just after dolyak's, although I admit I don't use bonetti's much.

Ultimately, I'd say that strength is below par, but Sentinel's armor and Dolyak Signet combined make things a lot easier on a solo warrior, including more time to throw a healing signet if you're running tactics.

(Yes, I know, I'll get flamed for not putting my weapon to 16 and either strength or tactics to 14. I'm set up in a way that's comfortable for me, with a little less raw damage and more survivability for my playstyle. YMMV)

Lyohn S

Lyohn S

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str shelds are more popular as wammos use power attack
they use mending and healing breeze for self heals so have no points left for tact

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

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Originally Posted by Thom Bangalter
sigh...this whole thread is utter crap, and I'm too lazy to put anything productive about how strength is pretty rubbish but most warriors should have around 9 in it, or about how heal sig is amazing, or about how frenzy is the best IAS, or that sentinel's armor is retarded, or any of the things I do in the warrior subfolder, where this should be.
was just thinking that