Anyone interested in getting together a GMT+9 (give or take) timezone GvG guild?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


Well, after beating around the bush, and going around looking for GvG and just PvP guilds in general, I've found I just can't find any that work.

All of the "better" PvP guilds are in another timezone (outside of Asia/Australia/Pacific type timezone...) and any that are in the Asia/Australia/Pacific timezone are not really looking for players (Yes I've actually went and talked with some of the players in those guilds...)

So therefore I'm finally just thinking of hitting the sack, and making a GvG focused guild that is based around the Asia/Australia/Pacific timezone. I live in Tokyo, Japan, which is GMT+9, although I reckon anyone within GMT+6 ~ GMT+12 should be fine :/

Requirements are:
  • Live in a timezone within GMT+6 to GMT+12, OR can play during GMT 11 AM.
  • Have a decent sense of PvP, and more importantly GvG.
  • Have access to Ventrillo, and if possible

I am just posting this thread to see if anyone is interested in starting/making a guild like this. If you are interested, PLEASE POST, leaving your IGN if possible.

If enough people are interested, perhaps we can get together and actually get this done

This is not a "recruiting" post. I am just wanting to judge the "interest level" of this kind of guild.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Western Australia



If such a guild were to be formed, if one doesn't already exist, I'd glady consider joining my guild up as an alliance partner. Of course, I'd have a discussion with the guild leader regarding an alliance being formed. Not everyone wants an alliance of course.

I'm GMT+8, so yeah. Some players sharing such a timezone is always nice.