HoH rank and pvp fame lets shake things up!!
Bocjo Bassannn
I am a n00by ranked 6 monk and ritlord I pve and pvp (HoH) equaly though I rarely gvg... Those are my main characters I play. Bigest love about HoH for me is the quick fast high pressure matches. Bigest hate about it...Is people rarely play diff unique builds there anymore. It seems to be all about fame farming to get the shiny emote..Which in turn makes this emote mean lil or nothing in reguards to pvp skill. Farming fame for rank feels like farming for cash in pve I wonder if that was the intention?
Here is my idea in a nutshell... Keep HoH emotes account based as they are now... We will for the sake of discussion call Hoh emotes (rank) Keep how they are earned ect. Leave that alone many people worked hard to get those emotes no sense in changeing that this far along into things.
But create new emotes that are pvp exp emotes that are primary profession (fame) only emotes.... Here is an example... For team arena's, Random arenas, gvg, HoH, alliance battles, aspenwood, jade quarry. Give each win x amt of fame for these areas to the primary character class that player is playing. example... roll a pvp monk win a few matches earn fame for all monk primarys you have on that account.. and so on so that you could delete your pvp toon roll another one latter and still have that (fame) as a monk or mesmer or whatever. Simply put this rewards people for actually playing there characters and learning them in pvp. This in my opion would be something fresh and new for everyone for pvp.
This could be something that is displayed along with our title menu... Monk fame 1 Mes fame 6 warrior fame 12 and so on all being pvp only titles with an emote much like the hoh emotes that we have now.
Simply put you could be a rank 12 HoH player with a fame 6 monk a fame 2 mesmer a fame 1 warrior and so on.
I admit this might be a bit complex to ad into the game but in the over all scheme of things I think it would make pvp much more intresting and give all pvp'ers something to work towards on every single one of there characters pve or pvp... More play time in different characters = fresh breath into everything pvp. The bigest plus is it would show how much skill and time a person has put into learning there character as a pvp player.
What do you guys think? Silly idea? Impossible to ad to our game?
Here is my idea in a nutshell... Keep HoH emotes account based as they are now... We will for the sake of discussion call Hoh emotes (rank) Keep how they are earned ect. Leave that alone many people worked hard to get those emotes no sense in changeing that this far along into things.
But create new emotes that are pvp exp emotes that are primary profession (fame) only emotes.... Here is an example... For team arena's, Random arenas, gvg, HoH, alliance battles, aspenwood, jade quarry. Give each win x amt of fame for these areas to the primary character class that player is playing. example... roll a pvp monk win a few matches earn fame for all monk primarys you have on that account.. and so on so that you could delete your pvp toon roll another one latter and still have that (fame) as a monk or mesmer or whatever. Simply put this rewards people for actually playing there characters and learning them in pvp. This in my opion would be something fresh and new for everyone for pvp.
This could be something that is displayed along with our title menu... Monk fame 1 Mes fame 6 warrior fame 12 and so on all being pvp only titles with an emote much like the hoh emotes that we have now.
Simply put you could be a rank 12 HoH player with a fame 6 monk a fame 2 mesmer a fame 1 warrior and so on.
I admit this might be a bit complex to ad into the game but in the over all scheme of things I think it would make pvp much more intresting and give all pvp'ers something to work towards on every single one of there characters pve or pvp... More play time in different characters = fresh breath into everything pvp. The bigest plus is it would show how much skill and time a person has put into learning there character as a pvp player.
What do you guys think? Silly idea? Impossible to ad to our game?
900 hours of pve monking alone, a lil less pvp.. my main character, im guessing that it wont be backwards compatible like glad points ><, although i like the idea of it.
Bocjo Bassannn
Yeah unfortunatley backwards compatable wouldnt happen and I feel your pain im a 3k plus hr old pve monk so I do feel your pain.
I kind of always wished this was how fame was handled.
Its late, but I dont think its to late to give the game a good thing.
Its late, but I dont think its to late to give the game a good thing.
just rude
Sounds like a great idea. A profession specific rank would help a ton. Too often ranked people get into my groups and they dont know the skill setup or the attribs, it seems like they never played the profession and are just trying to get into some decent group. This doesn't help at all, if im looking for a r* monk and some r* guy who has never played a monk asks to join I have no way of telling if he is any good, well until people start dieing at the Zaishen.
I'm sure most of you have had the conversation, "Wasn't that guy r*, he was aweful"
I think this would help end those conversations.
nice idea, Bojco.
I'm sure most of you have had the conversation, "Wasn't that guy r*, he was aweful"
I think this would help end those conversations.
nice idea, Bojco.
There was rumors that this was going to happen, but thankfully (since my fame is spread over all classes, and 2 accounts (rank 10 on 1 account rank 8 on another) it would be a pain for me..

Bocjo Bassannn
Just to clairfy and simplfy this idea a bit ..... I dont mean to change the exsiting fame/rank system...
Perhaps a better way to say it is a pvp "skill ranking" system for each primary profession you play. A way to show of that hey im skill ranked 12 monk or whatever... Yet I am also a rank 6 HoH player which is account wide... Whatever name you wish to give this system is ok... I just honestly feel we need a way to show that we are skilled monks or warriors or mesmers ect. and not merely skilled HoH players.... At the moment a skilled HoH player usuaully is a skilled iway/vimway bloodspike starburst player...(whatever this months cookie cutter build is) and very little more...At least that is the usuall assumption... Of course I know there are exceptions to that statement but you I do hope everyone gets my point.
I do not want anyone to loose there hoh fame or ranking and start over that is not what this idea is about
Perhaps a better way to say it is a pvp "skill ranking" system for each primary profession you play. A way to show of that hey im skill ranked 12 monk or whatever... Yet I am also a rank 6 HoH player which is account wide... Whatever name you wish to give this system is ok... I just honestly feel we need a way to show that we are skilled monks or warriors or mesmers ect. and not merely skilled HoH players.... At the moment a skilled HoH player usuaully is a skilled iway/vimway bloodspike starburst player...(whatever this months cookie cutter build is) and very little more...At least that is the usuall assumption... Of course I know there are exceptions to that statement but you I do hope everyone gets my point.
I do not want anyone to loose there hoh fame or ranking and start over that is not what this idea is about
I knew what you meant and i agree. There probably isnt a way to back log fame and it would ruin many expectations if it would happen.
Just add a system to count any pvp match, from RA, TA allience...etc. to could give points towards your class. Probably vary it up a bit so winning HA or GvG yeilds a little better than winning RA.
Over time your account will show you, as an example, an established mesmer but an unexperanced monk if you do anything pvp.
Perhaps you could add a few points to certain pve challenges given that they are worthy of showing you know your way around the class your using, Like completing the Zaishen Challenges or getting a protectors title.
Just add a system to count any pvp match, from RA, TA allience...etc. to could give points towards your class. Probably vary it up a bit so winning HA or GvG yeilds a little better than winning RA.
Over time your account will show you, as an example, an established mesmer but an unexperanced monk if you do anything pvp.
Perhaps you could add a few points to certain pve challenges given that they are worthy of showing you know your way around the class your using, Like completing the Zaishen Challenges or getting a protectors title.
rank is /boring... getting champ title would be fun ^_^...
Kai Nui
It is flawed, it should have been like that from the start, but now fame you get doing one profession is like being good at everything. It's like a R9 IWAYer trying to join a R9 B Spike group... It doesn't make any sense.
It would be nice if there was a way to show that a player is good at a certain profession in pvp but i believe it would be quite hard to implement.
The best way to value pvp achievements at a profession would be Balthazar Faction based IMO but shouldn't be farmable at Zaishens.
So these new ranks should be based on how much faction someone gained playing that profession.
For this to work it has to be possible to gain faction even if you're at 10k maximum, just for the purpose of these ranks.
It would be nice if there was a way to show that a player is good at a certain profession in pvp but i believe it would be quite hard to implement.
The best way to value pvp achievements at a profession would be Balthazar Faction based IMO but shouldn't be farmable at Zaishens.
So these new ranks should be based on how much faction someone gained playing that profession.
For this to work it has to be possible to gain faction even if you're at 10k maximum, just for the purpose of these ranks.
Bocjo Bassannn
I like that idea balthfaction would work to do what I am after....
If you look at your overall total balth faction it continues to climb even if your are at the max faction your account can hold. So using balth faction should work I would think.
For this to work it has to be possible to gain faction even if you're at 10k maximum, just for the purpose of these ranks |
If you look at your overall total balth faction it continues to climb even if your are at the max faction your account can hold. So using balth faction should work I would think.
Maria The Princess
just because if you are rank 10 it does not mean you are not playing a ranger for the first time
just because if you are rank 10 it does not mean you are not playing a ranger for the first time
this would only promote more EGos coming from the very guy who proved on meny fourms rank was junk!
this would only reck what ever little good pvp is left
this would only reck what ever little good pvp is left
Want to fix the broken rank system?
Make Heroes' Ascent 6 vs 6. Remove all the old maps, and replace them with new ones that have victory conditions that don't suck, and promote versatility and proper movement. Then make it so people loose fame for losses.
Problem fixed. You've gotten rid of the stagnation in builds, by removing the crutch of massive defense(or offense in the case of say IWAY) in 8 vs 8, and removing the poor maps and victory mehcanics that enable those degenerate builds. Then, you've made it pretty much impossible to fame-farm as effeciently, so good players should gain rank quickly, and bad players won't gain rank quickly, and might even loose rank. Plus, with the whole fame on losses thing, fame-farm builds, which are also degenrate, are pretty much eliminated.
/not signed for your idea, I don't think it could ever work.
Make Heroes' Ascent 6 vs 6. Remove all the old maps, and replace them with new ones that have victory conditions that don't suck, and promote versatility and proper movement. Then make it so people loose fame for losses.
Problem fixed. You've gotten rid of the stagnation in builds, by removing the crutch of massive defense(or offense in the case of say IWAY) in 8 vs 8, and removing the poor maps and victory mehcanics that enable those degenerate builds. Then, you've made it pretty much impossible to fame-farm as effeciently, so good players should gain rank quickly, and bad players won't gain rank quickly, and might even loose rank. Plus, with the whole fame on losses thing, fame-farm builds, which are also degenrate, are pretty much eliminated.
/not signed for your idea, I don't think it could ever work.
i fail to see how this would "wreck" pvp. sry, but sounds great. and im not sure how the poster meant for the title (if it would be a title) to be displayed. but if its individually for each profession, you could haf one thats similar to the title "Kind of a big deal", to show if ur skills are spread out among different proffessions. how bout that?
i fail to see how this would "wreck" pvp. sry, but sounds great. and im not sure how the poster meant for the title (if it would be a title) to be displayed. but if its individually for each profession, you could haf one thats similar to the title "Kind of a big deal", to show if ur skills are spread out among different proffessions. how bout that?
Originally Posted by Soldat
i fail to see how this would "wreck" pvp. sry, but sounds great. and im not sure how the poster meant for the title (if it would be a title) to be displayed. but if its individually for each profession, you could haf one thats similar to the title "Kind of a big deal", to show if ur skills are spread out among different proffessions. how bout that? |
like I said I am the very guy who prove rank is useless I have also predicted iway before it came!
but hey if you want to reck pvp even more go head, just makes this game look better for rpg players. anet will go where the money is at

so feed your ego

Bocjo Bassannn
Originally Posted by Zui
Want to fix the broken rank system?
Make Heroes' Ascent 6 vs 6. Remove all the old maps, and replace them with new ones that have victory conditions that don't suck, and promote versatility and proper movement. Then make it so people loose fame for losses. Problem fixed. You've gotten rid of the stagnation in builds, by removing the crutch of massive defense(or offense in the case of say IWAY) in 8 vs 8, and removing the poor maps and victory mehcanics that enable those degenerate builds. Then, you've made it pretty much impossible to fame-farm as effeciently, so good players should gain rank quickly, and bad players won't gain rank quickly, and might even loose rank. Plus, with the whole fame on losses thing, fame-farm builds, which are also degenrate, are pretty much eliminated. /not signed for your idea, I don't think it could ever work. |
Looseing fame to HoH losses? Are you mad??!!.... Look I may not like iway vimway or some of the other more common builds out there... But I damn sure do not wish to see them loose a rank 12 just because they lost a match or two.... Think about what your idea would do... Think it is hard to find a team for HoH Now... Wait till every single loss hurts your individual fame ranking.... NOBODY would ever let anyone new into there team EVER.... At least as it is now at least sometimes there are unranked groups forming... Sorry dude... but please step away from your bong I think you have had enough.
players would be farming more noobs in other aeras |
i fail to see how this would "wreck" pvp. sry, but sounds great. and im not sure how the poster meant for the title (if it would be a title) to be displayed |
Will it give us more ego's in this game?... Who would even notice there are already so many now it's pathetic.. But at least we would not be having to guess any longer at how skilled anyone is at the character they are playing in pvp with this system in place... For guilds that like to recruit rank whatever players... This would actually make there jobs easier rather than finding out this person can not play "everything" as there HoH rank just might imply.
Originally Posted by Bocjo Bassannn
I do not think the rank system is broke it does excatly what it was intended to do, show your overall account experience at playing in HoH in any character.
Is a rank 12 order necro going to heal better than a rank 6 monk? Sure, you can argue that rank and expirience will prevail, but I submit to you that that pressing two buttons (order necro) for months makes you pretty retarded and thusly incompetent to heal properly. I used an order necro in this example but one could also use, say.. iway warrior, r-spiker or b-spiker or /insert lame fame farming build here/.
So what you're saying is if someone plays a specific profession a lot and won a lot (doesnt have to be good just has to win) they'll be good at any build of that profession. If someone plays a thumper a bunch of times that means they'll be good at Chokin Gas ranger or somthing cuz thats what ppl will think when they see the "ranger fame"
/not signed
This will only encourage people to play one profession since they wont want to play a monk if they have no "monk fame"
/not signed
This will only encourage people to play one profession since they wont want to play a monk if they have no "monk fame"