Hello I need help on my problem with...

Glints Bane

Glints Bane

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I sleep

The Almond Brothers [Bros]


Hi well the thing that I need your help about is over this question...I want to know if I should come back to guild wars and the expansion packs there of? I left guild wars right before the first expansion pack came out and went to WoW.
Now I'm tired of paying for WoW and having the same stuff to do in that game. Guild wars seems to really be growing with yet another expansion pack coming out. So if you could help me that would be awesome...oh and i want reasons why I should come back and not just "yeah just come back".
Well thanks Glints Bane



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]

New skills, new weapons, new builds... there's a lot more stuff to try than there was in the past.

Two new professions for you to try out- they're lots of fun once you get a handle on them.

With Nightfall coming out soon, now would be the ideal time to get back into GW too. Get your expertise back before the next expansion.

But yeah... just come back.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Well, that depends what kinda game you want, but it doesn't sound like you're a fan of grinding, so then I think coming back to GW is a good choice. The game itself is growing, and it seems the fanbase is as well, although I can't say that for sure without seeing the server access numbers. If you do start GW again you should be aware that not many players will be leaving Prophecies and Factions once Nightfall is out. Most will be too busy exploring the new continent for at least the first month to check out the old lands.

Personally, I keep playing GW to test out new builds and ideas. The game has stagnated now before the release of the next chapter, so I'm anxiously awating it.

I can't recommend Factions though, I found it disappointing to say the least. It's a nice addition if you're already a fan of the series (for skills and items), but I'm not sure it's worth the price of a full new game. Maybe if you can find it cheaper.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I'd advise coming back to GW if you only left because you wanted to play WoW. GW is a bigger game now with a lot more to do, but if you was bored with if before, I doubt if the extra content would be enough to keep your interest.

There are more PVP options in the game now, but the PVE content in Factions can be finished pretty quickly. From what I've read Nightfall will include more missions and a lot more options for PVE play.

I personally love GW and Factions and I'm sure I'll love Nightfall, but I'd advise waiting til Sep. 22 and trying out the free Nightfall preview event. You can read about it here http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10045074

Glints Bane

Glints Bane

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I sleep

The Almond Brothers [Bros]


well I think I might actually come back...I have i alot of characters from the old one. Two of which are 55necros although I dont now if those are used anymore. Oh and I'm really into grinding so I can get factions and try to lvl as fast as possible.
P.S. I hope my old guild will accept me if there still around.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Heh, getting to lv 20 in Factions is hardly a challenge, I managed it in 6 hours or so without trying. My problem with Factions is that it's too short and too easy. It's a pvp game, and I'm not a pvp person, I've always preferred pve. GW is very good in pvp though, if you get past the self-proclaimed kings, ebayers and leechers, you probably have a very entertaining time in pvp.

If you're a fan of grinding you might not like some of the later changes. Green items were introduced back with Sorrows Furnace, but in Factions they became common since only a handful of bosses don't have a unique one. They offer cheap maxed items with decent skins, and kind of killed the gold item market. It's still there, of course, but demand dropped, and prices with it.

55ers still reign supreme in UW, and there are lots of places they can farm. Be aware of the anti-farming code which triggers extremely fast some places, limiting your drops.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


if you are into grinding levels, you deffinatly dont want Factions. You can get to max level in about 5 hours. There is always faction grinding, and no telling what will be in Nightfall.

As others have said, there is a free preview of Nightfall this weekend, so check that out.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Why come back to GW?

New Challenges such as the change to Tombs of Primevial Kings. (For Rangers, MM & Order's Necros, & Monks - mainly. NOT a good place for 55ers)

With Factions (with it's PvP flavor) comes 2 new professions, Alliance Battles (PvP), and Elite missions.

With Nightfall, there will be 2 more professions added to the mix, a whole new continent to explore (I think I read 20 story line Missions) & it brings a "build a henchie" capability.

Titles are also quite popular goals for players to aspire to. There are PvP based titles that apply to every character on your account. And there are character specific titles that apply more to the PvE side. There is also a title for standing around town drunk! See guildwiki for a list of all the titles.

Glints Bane

Glints Bane

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I sleep

The Almond Brothers [Bros]


I'm Back in guild wars yay! and to my surprise I found a birthday present in my inventory it turned out to be a hydra so its all good. and I got the 15k armor I used to want. so everythings going good for me...I love Guild wars