Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
So backfire, Wastrels Worry, and Wastrels Demise would be a good spike their next time to cast a spell. Wastrels worry does damage whether or not they use a skill, it just goes off prematurely if you use a skill...
Last time I checked, wastrel's worry only damages if the foe uses no skills during its duration.
Another way of reading the screwed up wastrel's demise description is that it's a version of wastrel's worry that deals extra damage depending on the amount of spells that they have and only disappears if a spell is cast. What I think they mixed up were wastrel's worry and backfire because:
Originally Posted by website
The more time they spend in indecision gives you more chances to damage them with Demise
This implies that demise hurts them when they can't decide what to do. Wastrel's worry won't create that indecision since casting any spell will save you from both hexes. On the other hand, a skill that
Originally Posted by website
gives them damage if they decide to cast a Spell
will cause a Catch-22 situation. Backfire fits that description perfectly.
On the other hand, demise could just be a souped up backfire just as other people said. Either way, it still looks like a boring skill.