Question about buying Factions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Hello everyone,
I am getting ready to buy Guild Wars and I have a question refering to that. I was wondering if I need to buy Guild Wars: Prophecies before I can buy Factions, or can I just buy factions and be up to date with everything, and completely have everything that is included within Factions and Prophecies?

I appologise for my lack of knowledge on the topic, but It is baffling me and I want to know before I buy into either one.

Thank you to anyone who replies and helps me out.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


If you buy Prophecies, you can play through Prophecies.
If you buy Factions, you can play through Factions.
If you buy both, you can connect the two and play through both.

While I suggest buying both, as it would give you the entire GW "experience", you by no means have to buy them both. If you want to buy just one, over the other, I really recommend Prophecies first.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

The simple reply to this is no.

Prophecies and Factions are two stand alone products, if you buy Prophecies you get to play the prophecies campaign, if you buy Factions then you get to play the Factions campaign.

However, the two interact with each other. There are skills in Factions that you cannot get in Prophecies and vice versa - so having both would allow you to get Prophecies skills on a Factions character and so on. In addition to this, once you get far enough along in the campaign you can take a boat to the other campaign continent and do some of the quests there, in Factions (for example) you can take the boat to Lion's Arch once you have completed the 3rd mission + an additional quest.

So basically you can only buy one - but I'd go for both to get the most out of it, Prophecies SE is only £9.99 in the UK right now, not sure about other countries.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Okay so since Prophecies is the more reccomended one, let me ask you this. If I buy Prophecies and play on it for a couple of weeks and then decide to buy Factions, can I continue my character from Phrophecies on the Factions front?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Originally Posted by EwigStolz
Okay so since Prophecies is the more reccomended one, let me ask you this. If I buy Prophecies and play on it for a couple of weeks and then decide to buy Factions, can I continue my character from Phrophecies on the Factions front?
Yep. You will just need to get your character to a town called Lion's Arch, do a quest, and you will be transported to Factionsland. You can then travel between continents freely via "boat". Any Tyrian (Prophecies) character can travel to Cantha (Factions), and any Canthan characters can travel to Tyria as long as you have met the requirements (quests) to do so.