help with my warrior/mesmer


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006


ive been running my first char,a warrior/mesmer for a couple of weeks now.he is lvl20 ascended and i,m finding now when entering places like the under world the first time i attack i,m getting shut energy bar barely gets back up to 5.

the only skill i run from mesmer is ether there anything in the mesmer skills to counter or recharge this.ive looked round the skill trainers and cant seem to find anything .

cheers for any feedback


Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Wariors have 2 energy regen... as a warrior you should NOT be relying on energy-heavy skills... That's why you have access to signets and adrenaline based skills.

There are only a handful of skills that are useful from the mesmer line that work well in some warrior builds. If you wanted to play a mesmer, make one. Don't try and use mesmer skills as if you were a mesmer on your warrior.

Mesmer is useful to warrior mainly for long-lasting stances and *MAYBE* a handful of other skills... the only mesmer skill I have ever used on my warrior beside the stances is epidemic to spread conditions around for easy "ViM" healing.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Energy won't be a problem in UW except against the graping darknesses who use "Fear Me". Depending on the makeup of your party you can have someone else cast it or even cast it on yourself - Sypathetic Visage. This will prevent them from building up the adrenaline to use Fear Me. You can also look at the skill Warriors Cunning (or is it Endurance?) that grants a good amount of energy for every hit your strike.

Hand is partially right. Warriors tend to go along the path of adrenaline skills and signets but there is plenty of room for energy based attack skills for a warrior and still be very effective. While you should definately avoid high cost energy skills, having and energy base is not a bad thing if you build it right.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006


cheers for the replies.

i should have put this in the first specs are

deadly riposte
healing signet
power attack
seeking blade
endure pain
ether feast

the reason i use eather feast is because it only gives 8h less than healing signet and you dont have to stop or take a lowering in armour to use it.

ive never had a problem with this build untill i hit underworld and i,m getting my energy drained down to nothing before i can even get a shot in.then it wont recharge.

anyway, cheers for replies ,i,ll go take a look
