02 Oct 2006 at 19:58 - 42
You can apply a 5/1 vampiric bowstring to a white bow. However, you can only find a 5/1 vampiric bowstring on a gold bow.
This makes me hopeful that you can apply any inscription to any white weapon, even though you could not naturally find that inscription on it.
I'm hoping for:
1. Staves with two inscription slots! Find any white <staff with skin, damage type, and req that you like> and make it a 10/10, or a 20% FC Earth/20% FC Fire or a 10% HSR/Reduces Dazed or whatever sick combination you like!
2. Shields with two inscription slots! Find any AL 16, <shield with skin and req that you like> and make it +30/-2 while X, -2/-2, Reduces blind/reduces weakness (omg gosu), or whatever sick combination you like!
3. Wands and offhands with two inscription slots! Let the custom-micromanagement of your equipment begin! My first creations will be a req8 Soul Reaping, 10%FC/10%HCR offhand. ZomgIcan'tWait!
4. Weapons with one inscription slot! My soon-to-be-created weapons will be whatever skin I want them to be, with whatever inscriptions I can get my grubby little hands on, and it won't cost me HOURS worth of farming for gold to get them! WOOT!
I'm very excited at the prospects that this one little paragraph has raised, and at the end of WTS as we know it.