Enchancements for player ingame status (online/offline/away/busy/dnd)
Currently we have 4 types of player status available to set:
1) online
2) offline
3) away
4) do not disturb
Two firsts are easy to explain/use and nothing is here to improve.
But 3 & 4 types (away,dnd) need improvements. Here they are:
Away status: there is /afk command in game but its effect is the same as /sit. I think players should be able to use this command in this way:
/afk <text message, for example: reason of being away>
Then if someone is whispering me she/he will get this <text message> info in return.
Also there should be available /autoaway command with parameter/number - example of use
/autoaway 1
If autoaway mode is set, player should enter "away mode" in X minutes of not responding (not moving, not using skills, not typing words, etc), where X is the number used after /autoaway command. If X=0 then autoaway mode will be turned off. If someone is whispering me she/he should get message I entered autoaway mode "some time ago".
Also /afk command should set me automatically in away mode - now I am typing /afk, then going to friend list to set away mode "again" - not very useful...
Do Not Disturb status IS good - it informs my friends that I am busy doing something. Problem is they cant whisper me (and they could have very important info for me at the moment). Solution is one additional "busy" status - which will be the same as this one, DND but this time my friends SHOULD BE ABLE to whisper me with any important info they have, and they will know I am busy but I can read this info and answer them as soon as possible later.
Yes, I could set "away" status now for this.. but "away" suggests I am afk. "Busy" status will tell my friends I AM in game, just busy, for example: fighting, at the moment
So in the end there should be 5 statuses: online, offline, away, busy, do not disturb
EDIT: added last note to away status
1) online
2) offline
3) away
4) do not disturb
Two firsts are easy to explain/use and nothing is here to improve.
But 3 & 4 types (away,dnd) need improvements. Here they are:
Away status: there is /afk command in game but its effect is the same as /sit. I think players should be able to use this command in this way:
/afk <text message, for example: reason of being away>
Then if someone is whispering me she/he will get this <text message> info in return.
Also there should be available /autoaway command with parameter/number - example of use
/autoaway 1
If autoaway mode is set, player should enter "away mode" in X minutes of not responding (not moving, not using skills, not typing words, etc), where X is the number used after /autoaway command. If X=0 then autoaway mode will be turned off. If someone is whispering me she/he should get message I entered autoaway mode "some time ago".
Also /afk command should set me automatically in away mode - now I am typing /afk, then going to friend list to set away mode "again" - not very useful...
Do Not Disturb status IS good - it informs my friends that I am busy doing something. Problem is they cant whisper me (and they could have very important info for me at the moment). Solution is one additional "busy" status - which will be the same as this one, DND but this time my friends SHOULD BE ABLE to whisper me with any important info they have, and they will know I am busy but I can read this info and answer them as soon as possible later.
Yes, I could set "away" status now for this.. but "away" suggests I am afk. "Busy" status will tell my friends I AM in game, just busy, for example: fighting, at the moment
So in the end there should be 5 statuses: online, offline, away, busy, do not disturb
EDIT: added last note to away status
I like it, three hairy thumbs up!
not at all a bad idea, and doesn't seem like it'd be hard to implement
Originally Posted by Stemnin
I like it, three hairy thumbs up!
/signed I like this idea
even if I'm never an afker, it'd be fun to try out.
Knight Othin Of War
nice idea
Monk Mystic
i like it
I never use the status thing... so cann't add much to it
but I do like the away message.
but I do like the away message.
Amity and Truth
I'd appreciate it.
Sometimes you're extremely busy and an automated response could help in preventing some confusion and anger.
Sometimes you're extremely busy and an automated response could help in preventing some confusion and anger.
Don Vito Corleone
some times i log into the game for finishing a trading transaction and i want just to go smoke for 3 to 5 min...so if the auction winner logged into the game he will not think i don't want to response or away for unknown time and he will wait for 5 min before logging off.
some times i log into the game for finishing a trading transaction and i want just to go smoke for 3 to 5 min...so if the auction winner logged into the game he will not think i don't want to response or away for unknown time and he will wait for 5 min before logging off.
Horseman Of War
Id like online players (at least in our respective guilds not necessarily on friend list too) to have a note of where they are. Such ass in the window it would say: Guildie - Sardelac Sanitarium, or Guildie - Random Arenas.
Away sounds no different than busy... by your definition of busy it sounds like you just dont want to talk to people... and you can always respond later anyways.
Id rather them make an IDLE for when a person truly does go afk- because there are plenty of people who dont want to take the time to change their status. Im one of those.
Online (with info on where- even if its just Tyria/Cantha tho preferably map- or arena- specific)
away - manual, accepts pms, auto "user is away" response would be nice
DnD - no change needed
offline - no change needed
idle - If idle for set amount of time, will automatically switch to this (not counting if Away or DnD is already activated)
Aside from my own take on it, I agree that while not essential, a small tweak to the way this is set up would be a welcomed change. especially in larger guilds (which mine is not) or guilds made up of real-life friends (like mine)
Away sounds no different than busy... by your definition of busy it sounds like you just dont want to talk to people... and you can always respond later anyways.
Id rather them make an IDLE for when a person truly does go afk- because there are plenty of people who dont want to take the time to change their status. Im one of those.
Online (with info on where- even if its just Tyria/Cantha tho preferably map- or arena- specific)
away - manual, accepts pms, auto "user is away" response would be nice
DnD - no change needed
offline - no change needed
idle - If idle for set amount of time, will automatically switch to this (not counting if Away or DnD is already activated)
Aside from my own take on it, I agree that while not essential, a small tweak to the way this is set up would be a welcomed change. especially in larger guilds (which mine is not) or guilds made up of real-life friends (like mine)
why not?
I like all these ideas.
i do remember signing something like this before tho?
i do remember signing something like this before tho?