Your Characters?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ok. I have 2 MAIN characters; A warrior for Prophecies and a Rit for factions. My other 4 characters however have been my rushed characters. before Nightfall come sout, I would like to fell "finished with all my characters" So my questions is; "What do you do with your characters before you label them as "finished".


Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


i dont really ever consider my toons "finished" thats the beuty of an MMO, youre never REALLY finished. theres always more armor to get or whatever.

HOWEVER, i do try to finish whatever campain i started the character on before i start a new char. other than that i switch frequently and never really "finish" with one.(except my monk who has finished all quests(except like 10), both campains and has 15k armor. but of course im always monking for guildies so even he isnt really "finished")

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


i've played my warrior for 1200 hours+ now and i STILL don't considered him finished, i mean, i've yet to even beat propehcies (just lazy to do it) but seriously, i'd consider him 45% complete, he'll be 100% when he has 1k chests opened full fow, and a 15^50 req 8 FDS and a stone summit sheild

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Get your key weapons, armor, and skills, advance your toons to a decent spot (ie RoF) then move on to the next one.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


At a minimum, each of my characters must complete with masters both (all) campaigns, and at a minimum all primary skills (elite and non) for their profession before I consider them completed.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

I don't look at my characters as "finished characters." Once you finish a character, what else is there to do with it? That's when the boredom sets in.

I play my characters with an eye to finishing goals. For example, I set a goal for my Ranger to do every Mission and Bonus in order for the Prophecies campaign, for example. Now that I've done that, I've set a goal for her to get a Victo's Bulwark (You'd think after 100 runs I'd have one by now!). Once I get that, I'll come up with a new goal for her; maybe taking her through the Nightfall campaign.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

every character of mine is "finished: when:

beat RoF and Shiro
has at least 1 set of 15k armor
has a rare weapon for my every favorite build for that class
has all of the "must have" elites

other then that, a character can be evolving forever


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Do you think when Nightfall comes out Factions will just be abandomed. Now I know it will be for the first couple of weeks, but after that, do you think it will pick up?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I will consider mine finished when A-net shuts off the servers. Till then there are too many things to do Titles / green farming / money / faction farming / quests Etc... Right Now I am thinking about taking My Pyro Elementalist / Ranger and redoing all of the Missions with just Earth magic skills and Ranger Skills.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

Originally Posted by Markrids
Do you think when Nightfall comes out Factions will just be abandomed. Now I know it will be for the first couple of weeks, but after that, do you think it will pick up?
as much as i know, most of the PVE players were disapointed with factions, and nitfall looks much more promising with PVE, so yah...i think that if they dont introduce factions armors for Paragons and dervishes canthan population will move to Elonia....leaving a few hundereds behind

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

I consider my mines by getting:
1) The Protector Title
2) Grandmaster Cartographer Title
3) The Desired Armour
5) Good Weapons to acompany them
6) Have Superior Vigor Rune attached
4) Knowing which build is suitable to be used for which different situations

i think thats it for now tehehe



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Mine is never finished....they just sometimes may get played with a little less. I try to give some of the "jobs"...for example when I want to farm I'll use my Mesmer...

If an alliance member needs help it's useful to have a load of finished characters as then they can have a choice of who I I try to collect elite skills for them. There is only one I actively work on to get titles and such, my elemenalist, who is my first and most loved character...and I feel deserves nice things. When I've finished a game with a character I also like to go out and farm green items myself (instead of buying them for a rediculous price!) so they have some nice perfect weapons to accompany them. Currently I have Amadis' Air Staff on my ele, The Stonereaper on my necro and The Dream Haunter on my Mesmer...I'm thinking The Windcatcher next...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


The game is in constant evolution, so my characters need to evolve with it. The final step in evolution is death, so my characters are finished when I delete them.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I think a character is only completely absoultely 100% complete if you have the following things:

1) All titles completed, with the exceptions of the Luxon/Kurzick ones (whichever you do not belong to you should not do), survivor title (because its a pain in the butt if you have all the other titles then die 4 XP before the max title).

2) Perfect GOLD weapons, whichever ones you want, dyed whichever way you want.

3) Max AL armor, whether it be 1.5k, 15k, or obsidian, dyed whichever way you want. Don't forget the best runes, meaning superior vigor and absorbtion.

4) All skills, including elites, of all professions, wheter you started as those or not,

5) All missions and bonuses complete (or whatever it's called in Factions (which is part of the titles which is described in #1)).

As more and more chapters come (thank you Anet, please never stop), new missions/bonuses need to be done, more continents to explore, more skills to buy (meaning more hours of farming), and more armors...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


I hate to be the only non-Mod to notice this is more of a discussion, and not a Question!

Shouldn't it be moved!

Now for some content.

I don't like to kill any of my characters, I always have atleast one free slot, 1 mule. The rest are all toons to keep. I just killed off my Sin a few days ago. First chpter character I've killed, Sorry but I just couldn't get the hang of a sin. I did remember him in my new characters name.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

South Shields, England

The Psycho Titans


i don't think i character will ever be finished.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

I have one main character that has by far the most experience, and is on the way to getting every title possible, every skill, finishing every quest etc.

All of my other characters I just get to Hell's Precipice (and Harvest Temple in Factions) so that they have access to all areas if they ever want an elite. I don't bother with Protector or Cartographer or anything really, I consider it a waste of time to work on more than one character for that type of thing. It's also the reason why it's very unlikely I'll make a Dervish or Paragon, and why I deleted my assassin. 3 characters is enough for PvE for me. If I want to play anything else it'll only be in PvP.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



They're finished when Im bored and they have no use to me anymore! I then either delete them having learnt how to play them or keep them and dust them off once in a while for a bit of fun