bann question


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

how many times can you be banned?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by TrueNoob
how many times can you be banned?
depending on what you did you could be permabanned in one shot.

otherwise it simply gets longet bans each time until it becomes permaban


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

well im up to 7 days, how far does it go?

its my 2nd bann

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


I think you need to figure out WHY you are being banned and sort that out.
The first ban should have taught you that.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Just guessing here, but I think it goes as far as to a permaban? Something can't be longer then forever, so..

I'm pretty sure no one took the time or effort to test exactly how many times you can get banned before a permaban.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by TrueNoob
well im up to 7 days, how far does it go?

its my 2nd bann

lets just say the ice may be getting a bit thin.

one of the devs mentioned the progression but warned some offences are bigger than others carrying heavier penalties

remember a permaban is the loss of the account which means you have to buy a new copy or quit


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

i got banned same reason both times, just wondering how far it goes

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


So you're deffo doing something wrong. 7 days may be pushing things and although I've never been banned myself, I've never heard anyone bring up a 2-week ban.

You really should look at what you are doing and sort it out pronto



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

We are all pretty [Ugly]


The one after this one is a 335 hour ban, I know since I got it when I spammed Gaile Gray.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

, lol u spammed gaile? so ur account was banned after 335, musta sukd


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by The Pointless
So you're deffo doing something wrong. 7 days may be pushing things and although I've never been banned myself, I've never heard anyone bring up a 2-week ban.

You really should look at what you are doing and sort it out pronto
i know wat im doing, its just stupid mistakes i get caught in

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


If you know what you are doing, Then the first time should have opened your eyes.

Also the duration lengthening is dependent on what you did. More serious and repeated things get less chances and longer durations. While simple things might ghet a few more.

Seeings as how you get 7 days on your SECOND ban, they think its pretty serious and the next time might be your last.

but the simple answer is: STOP DOING IT, and you dont have to worry about bans.

>_> It isnt rocket science. I see this thread as you trying to figure out how many more times you can get away with the offense before they cut you off, which is not AT ALL how you should be looking at it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


Originally Posted by TrueNoob
i know wat im doing, its just stupid mistakes i get caught in
Then I STRONGLY suggest not making any more "stupid mistakes."


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

hehehehe, ill try

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


So.... what is it that you are doing ???

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


stupid mistakes like: scamming? harassing? ebay gold?

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

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The Cult of Doom


Originally Posted by Venom4112
The one after this one is a 335 hour ban, I know since I got it when I spammed Gaile Gray.

well your whole guild was spamming the district with WWWWWWWWW like a bunch of twelve year olds, what do you expect.

and to the OP-> if you dont want to tell us, its probably something really stupid like scamming people. If it was something trivial you would have said something.

or this post is just bogus, which is fine too. My best guess is that one more offense and youre out.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This is not the "how much can i push my luck while doing something bad" forum. If you want to do something that's not allowed, we're not here to reassure you. Closed.