Frequent E7's from Events




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


Im not sure if this is directly related to the Nightfall Event, or just all preview events, but everytime there is some sort of sneak-peak/preview test event i get frequent (and i mean frequent) Error7's. The day the event is over, im fine again.

This makes it so incredibly hard to play and test the game to see if i want to even buy it.

Any ideas on how to fix this, or what this is related to?

Jade Zephyr

Jade Zephyr

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006


Dunno if this has anything to do with it, but my computer suddenly restarts every time after the second cutscene in Nightfalls, before u complete the first quest :/ happened 3 times now...




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


yeah, the updates seem to be buggy. The Hero Koss now crashes my game


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


11 err7s in a 4 hour period. 0 in the week before.

Honestly A-net, it's bleedingly obvious to even the biggest moron that load increases in these events, don't you put on increased resources and contingencies?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by dgb
Honestly A-net, it's bleedingly obvious to even the biggest moron that load increases in these events, don't you put on increased resources and contingencies?
Buying another server farm just for a weekend event makes no sense tho. Don't think you can just "rent" a couple of new servers for a week either, so it's pretty sucky situation... But better planning would be cool, and having finished code for the preview would rule too. Pretty annoying to keep crashing all the time...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Kaguya
Buying another server farm just for a weekend event makes no sense tho. Don't think you can just "rent" a couple of new servers for a week either, so it's pretty sucky situation... But better planning would be cool, and having finished code for the preview would rule too. Pretty annoying to keep crashing all the time...
Pissing off customers that have actually paid for your game also makes no sense.

Somewhere there is a happy medium... like only issuing 100k keys or something akin to that.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by MelechRic
Pissing off customers that have actually paid for your game also makes no sense.

Somewhere there is a happy medium... like only issuing 100k keys or something akin to that.
True. While these "free for all" events are nice, all this lag and annoyance isn't very nice. Maybe they could have "paying people only" event first, then free for all event a week later, should lessen the load somewhat :V



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Strange how this only seems to be happening to a few people. So I ask the ones that are experiencing alot of Err7s to check their connections. But of course, with the event (more people playing) the server will be a bit "overloaded" than normal.

Since a connection requires 2 or more parties, I suggest the ones that are experiencing these Err7s to lighten up the load on their end of the connection. i.e. Don't run multiple apps that take up bandwidth such as any torrent programs. Even something as indirect as computer lag can 'cause Err7s because if your CPU usage / RAM is real high, you're more likely to lag (computer wise) and that directly affects connection lag as well. Computer lag = no signals being sent to the ANet servers because your computer is too busy processing everything else you're running. It doesn't matter how powerful your computer is, if it's unstable it can run slower than any P2/Celeron.

This is just a suggestion, try pre-decompressing GuildWars before you run it, and defrag your the HD that you got GuildWars installed on before you run it. It MIGHT help but I'm not genius so.... no guarantees

Anyways, before assuming it's Anet's side that's lagging up, try running a few scans.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


11 err7s within a four hour period compared to none the week before? Coincidentally the err7s came when the event started - can the A-net apologists for once actually accept that sometimes A-net needs to look at it's responsibilities, not the user.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

i experience heavy lag too...

but then again, the event is to attract new customers.... gw veteran are less likely to be turned away by err7's as they experience them any way...

but yeh pisses me off as i nearly got masters of 3 missions... then i got err7'ed