My comp shuts off when I log in
If I try to log in to the game with a character and the game hasn't finished streaming after an update, something in my computer starts making a clicking noise (i think its my HDD) and my computer just shuts off. No BSoD, no errors, it just turns off. Is it just a bum HD? I bought it fairly cheap (like $80for 250gig). Please help me.
Ok, so it happened again when I used -Image and when I rebooted I found the problem. My CPU was running at 68*C!! Im currently imaging GW as I type and so far cpu useage hasn't been a problem.
What I don't understand is how just downloading could possibly get my CPU that hot. Even when I run TES IV:Oblivion (one of the most graphicaly intense games ATM) its not that hot.
What I don't understand is how just downloading could possibly get my CPU that hot. Even when I run TES IV:Oblivion (one of the most graphicaly intense games ATM) its not that hot.
One Tall Amazon Btch
It's your power supply , mine was doing the same thing and when i replaced it it was fine ... Try that out
One Tall Amazon Btch
Well maybe your proccessor fan is goin bad as well
OK, ive fixed the problem. My processor fan was absolutely clogged with dust. I had to scrape the dust off with a small screwdriver, then vacuum it out. it was so tightly packed, not even my can of air could blow it out. Now my comp is running fine when I play.