Will beta characters be deleted?


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Will the characters we make from this weekend be deleted on Monday? Or do they just get locked?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

I assumed that like the Factions beta event, the character will stay, but will be reset. That means you keep your name and what your character looks like, but level, items, etc. will all be erased.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Ok. I wont put all my time into it then .



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


I wonder how many actually know that?

Someone already cried that he found a black dye...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Can that person access a storage to put the dye in?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Haven't seen Xunlai agents anywhere, so I think not. Storage was disabled in Factions preview event as well.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


its may be we'll be able to keep them, but storage agents being removed is so the items dont make it into the main game until nightfall is officially released. of course maybe not also



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


I hope the characters won't get deleted, I'd like to keep my name!

Dr Wu

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Sagaris
I hope the characters won't get deleted, I'd like to keep my name!
Your name stays..in the event that you delete your char, I think you have 30 mins to use that name again on a new char..after that it goes into the name pool and is up for grabs.

Stealthy Trapper

Stealthy Trapper

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Cincinnati, Ohio

Knights Assassins [Kill]


I have a question....it has probably been answered here before but I just stumbled on this and the idea popped in my head.

I have done the quest to get my Grey Giant mini pet. He is now in my inventory for my soon to be wiped out character. When I enter the NightFall cd key will the pet be gone? Can I go back and do the entire quest again? Will the broken toy (quest item) still appear when I try again? Just wondering.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Stealthy Trapper
I have a question....it has probably been answered here before but I just stumbled on this and the idea popped in my head.

I have done the quest to get my Grey Giant mini pet. He is now in my inventory for my soon to be wiped out character. When I enter the NightFall cd key will the pet be gone? Can I go back and do the entire quest again? Will the broken toy (quest item) still appear when I try again? Just wondering.
If memory serves* me correctly, during the factions preview, once the event was over, the character got "locked" and you couldn't do anything with them at all - not even delete them. But, once factions was released and added to the account, the character was unlocked with all the items, skills, and armor they had earned during the preview. With the Nightfall PvP preview, created characters could be deleted after it ended, so that may be the case this go around. I would suspect that once you add the Nightfall game key to your account, your character will be unlocked & all their wonderful stuff will still be there.

*I'm old, and senility may be setting in - I forget what the doc said.

Almighty Grace

Almighty Grace

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006




Thats a link to the official guild wars event page for this world preview. If you scroll all the way down you get to this section:

"The Nightfall World Preview Event will begin September 22 at 12:01 a.m. PDT and run until 11:59 p.m. PDT on September 24. At the end of the event, all Nightfall characters that players have created and all Nightfall items they've acquired will be removed from participating accounts, and the Nightfall content will be removed from the live servers. So, don't miss out!"

Also, I haven't seen any storage agents, and I think I also read somewhere that you can't access storage. The reason Anet doesn't do this is so that people don't charge players ridiculous amounts of money for new "skins" that will soon be realeased in Nightfall.

As far as names go.... I'm not sure if your name will stay.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Originally Posted by Dr Wu
Your name stays..in the event that you delete your char, I think you have 60 mins to use that name again on a new char..after that it goes into the name pool and is up for grabs.
I edited it. It was extended from 30 to 60 awhile ago.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Stealthy Trapper
I have a question....it has probably been answered here before but I just stumbled on this and the idea popped in my head.

I have done the quest to get my Grey Giant mini pet. He is now in my inventory for my soon to be wiped out character. When I enter the NightFall cd key will the pet be gone? Can I go back and do the entire quest again? Will the broken toy (quest item) still appear when I try again? Just wondering.
officially answered that the character will be wiped

officially confirmed the minipet quest will reset for retail for you

you wont lose him