Well, remember what they say about "assume," now.
The first thing to know is that we're tracking choices all the time. We know what faces are chosen, which are not chosen, and we're going to use that data to help us bring you more highly-choose-able faces. That's why you have a beta event, to see what works, what needs fixing, what needs expanding and/or improving, and on and on. Beta events are a great proving ground for what we're doing, not only because they prove what we're doing, but because they provide us with information to do it better. Some of the faces will change a little, a few will change radically, to make them more desirable to players. If you think about it, making more of the faces really cool will in effect actually expand the options for popular faces without adding a single one. But in addition, yes, the art team is working on adding more.
As to the request to build a Canthan Warrior in Tyria, or a Elonian Necromancer in Cantha, I honestly do not think that will happen. But first, let me make sure that I understand what you're asking, so by way of doing that, let me explain philosophy: It's is the intention of the game designers that those who support the game have more options. That's fair, just, and appropriate, even if it's not what someone may want to hear. You have the maximum number of options by supporting Guild Wars with the purchase of all three campaigns. Those who do so can make any character from any game.
Now, is the point is that you want to make a complete freedom of choice as far as character "look" by being able to have any character start in any region? I do not think that that is the intention. Character appearance is tied to the region in which a character is "born." I do not believe that it is the intention of the team to have the Tyrian look with an Elonian birthplace, etc. I can ask about this, and certainly I will let you know if that is a possibility in the future. In the back of my mind, I'm not sure that it would be, since each campaign has a lot of advanced and advancing technology, so character creation is actually an evolutionary process. But I'm speaking casually here, and I can ask if any face/any birthplace will someday be as option.
And again, if the request is to give everyone who purchases any single campaign the opportunity to create any appearance from any of the three campaigns, well, I'm sure if you stop and think about it, that's just not good business, and we do have to think about things like that, particularly since we are not and will not be charging a monthly fee.