No Divine Aura1?
Can Anybody answer this? Is it just because this is the Preview weekend or is it because they will not be any Devine Aura for the Dervish or Paragon? because so Far I havn't seen any. (And I have Prph. CE)
Knightsaber Sith
They just haven't implimented it yet even though it was there for the Factions preview.
I assume it's not yet implemented being the preview event but will be in effect once the game official launches.
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
I assume it's not yet implemented being the preview event but will be in effect once the game official launches.
*sigh*. I wish they'd start releasing actual expansions instead of "new standalone chapters" and start making sure everything interacts with everything correctly and fully, instead of having this patchwork of what does and doesn't work together (like some profession combinations that are essentially not possible for PvE characters).
Originally Posted by mqstout
I wouldn't doubt if they decide not to implement this. It would fit their pattern. Look at the CE for Factions: It only affected that chapter's classes. Sure, they did have backwards for Prophecy's CE, but I see that support stopping soon.
*sigh*. I wish they'd start releasing actual expansions instead of "new standalone chapters" and start making sure everything interacts with everything correctly and fully, instead of having this patchwork of what does and doesn't work together (like some profession combinations that are essentially not possible for PvE characters). |
And They will not release "actual expantions" They make more money off Standalone seeing as it reaches more people. (seeing as you don't need the other Chapters)
And thankfully there isn't just PvE. Sure some Profetions work better with others (Monk - mesmer) And Other's Don't (Assasin - Ritualist) But Good thing there are Profetion Changers Around the games.
Angharad Aerten
I was really looking forward to seeing the Dervish dance with the divine aura

i asked Gaile today - she didn´t know, whether will or not will be DA implemented in P, D...
also, i asked about signatures, she said "signatures are for new characters" - well, this looks like it will be only for P, D
hope, maybe they will make some changes and get this thing to all (or at least, CORE prof...)
cause it is little unfair - one CE (proph) gives you speical emote for 10 chars (if they will imeplement it into NF) and the other (Factions, maybe NF) gives only for 2 chars - you know, if you have multiple chars (e.g. i will have 6 PvE chars, 4 are core, 1 ass + 1 dervish, i can only show my NF CE ownership while i am Dervish... but if i had Proph CE, i can make all ppl know that i am CE owner with my ALL chars... and thats unfair)
you know, give us rather simpler CE emote, but apply it for ALL chars... (or at least, for CORE + NEW chars)
also, i asked about signatures, she said "signatures are for new characters" - well, this looks like it will be only for P, D

cause it is little unfair - one CE (proph) gives you speical emote for 10 chars (if they will imeplement it into NF) and the other (Factions, maybe NF) gives only for 2 chars - you know, if you have multiple chars (e.g. i will have 6 PvE chars, 4 are core, 1 ass + 1 dervish, i can only show my NF CE ownership while i am Dervish... but if i had Proph CE, i can make all ppl know that i am CE owner with my ALL chars... and thats unfair)
you know, give us rather simpler CE emote, but apply it for ALL chars... (or at least, for CORE + NEW chars)
Hopefully they will Implement Devine Aura 9and if you can nudge Gaile here for a Sugestion) Paragon is Angelic in every way, Therefore the devine Aura should be Bright White, And Dervish should be bright yellow, Seeing as we do not have any other Yellow DA, but already have 2 Pinks and 2 Orange (Mesmer + Sin, Warrior + Ele)
I see them implementing it in the final verson. It works for the Sin and Rit as well as with their special danceing, so i see them doing the same for Nightfall. But i could be wrong.