Suggestion: Visible Weapons in town
Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I'l like to see ANET create a check-box option to allow weapons to be visibile in town (similar to helm/cape view options). More eye-candy for all, if they checkmark the option box

Miss Puddles
visible weapons and pets

Lex Talionis
It has been suggested numerous times. Whats the point of this idea? Don't you think the game is laggy enough as it is? What the purpose of having everyone see the crap your wielding in town? Its so pointless I don't know where to begin. So..... /notsigned
Sli Ander
Originally Posted by Lex Talionis
It has been suggested numerous times. Whats the point of this idea? Don't you think the game is laggy enough as it is? What the purpose of having everyone see the crap your wielding in town? Its so pointless I don't know where to begin. So..... /notsigned
On topic: I like the idea, and if you read the above, you'll see my suggestions for it. Personally I'd like to see weapons on the back, because you're in a town and don't want the guards getting annoyed at you for carrying your sword around unsheathed. I see no problem with it, personally, but I'd rather have my ranger's pet displayed than my weapon. I guess it would depend on how it would work into emotes or if I had a rare weapon I wanted to show off(though I could use the trade window for that).
Just my two cents though

pretty much gets suggested all the time. usually its called "sheathing" as most people want to see their weapons sheathed in towns.
I've closed several of these threads. Please check the Index of Ideas bigwig linked. It's in there.
Closing now.
Closing now.