Yesterday I decided to come back to GW and try out GW3. Downloading the files went extremely slow and now I have to download the PvP arena which takes like 15 minutes to download only 600 files...
I had to download about 8000 files lol
I have cable so downloads should be superfast instead of superslow...
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jan 2006
22 Sep 2006 at 22:19 - 2
same situation for me
and also my pc during updates become very slow, open another application is just impossible.
why ??
Forge Runner
Join Date: Nov 2005
Stoke, England
The Godless [GOD]
22 Sep 2006 at 22:28 - 3
Loads of people all downloading the new content = slow downloads!
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jul 2006
22 Sep 2006 at 22:30 - 4
Your computer slows down because GW is decompressing files, files download slowly because EVERYONE is trying to get them, and once they do they're playing.
One Tall Amazon Btch
Academy Page
Join Date: Sep 2006
25 Sep 2006 at 08:26 - 5
Plus make sure you have nothing running in the backround... LIke anti spyware or any file sharing programs..
To reiterate on what Apocrypha said there are about a million people getting the same files...