Which is the best PvP/PvE build: Rt/Mo or Rt/N?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006


I'm curious because I was thinking about it... As a Rt/Mo you would be effective in a pvp battle however more than likely if you're pvp'ing in a group you'll already Have a primary healer so the usefulness of a Rt/Mo may be obsolete... As opposed to the Rt/N where you could animate and use spirits to protect the rest of the party... What do you guys think?




Join Date: Dec 2005




Don't be offended.

If you don't know what would be better for PvP ( only talking PvP , because builds in PvE rarely matter ), I suggest sticking to normal builds that you can find in the rit forum. You can alway change secondaries later. Actually, most rits don't use secondaries. Maybe Rt/Me for mantra of resolve.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

rt is passive port... which means it rarely needs a 2ndary...

but lots ppl in pvp use rt/n for the extra hp on the minion...