Which is the best PvP/PvE build: Rt/Mo or Rt/N?
I'm curious because I was thinking about it... As a Rt/Mo you would be effective in a pvp battle however more than likely if you're pvp'ing in a group you'll already Have a primary healer so the usefulness of a Rt/Mo may be obsolete... As opposed to the Rt/N where you could animate and use spirits to protect the rest of the party... What do you guys think?
Don't be offended.
If you don't know what would be better for PvP ( only talking PvP , because builds in PvE rarely matter ), I suggest sticking to normal builds that you can find in the rit forum. You can alway change secondaries later. Actually, most rits don't use secondaries. Maybe Rt/Me for mantra of resolve.
If you don't know what would be better for PvP ( only talking PvP , because builds in PvE rarely matter ), I suggest sticking to normal builds that you can find in the rit forum. You can alway change secondaries later. Actually, most rits don't use secondaries. Maybe Rt/Me for mantra of resolve.
rt is passive port... which means it rarely needs a 2ndary...
but lots ppl in pvp use rt/n for the extra hp on the minion...
but lots ppl in pvp use rt/n for the extra hp on the minion...