New to game; Is this build good? (regarding PvE and PvP


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Queens of Ascalon


Well while I am waiting for this game to update (just bought it!) I wanted to ask if this build was good for PvE and larger GvG battles. I wanted to use a ranger/mesmer build. I read the guide that's on this website and it said it had "limited PvP"...

If its no good, what could I use that would be good for both (I want my primary to be Ranger)?

Thank you for your time...

EDIT: I also don't really want to use a build that everyone else is using, as I like to be unique



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


My main, first, and most favorite character is a R/Me. Rangers are very versatile. The mesmer secondary is a good choice (that or /Mo), for numerous reasons:

-Mesmers are just downright underappreciated.
-Rangers have good interruption skills, which you can combine with mesmer ones to be spellcasters' worst nightmares.
-May help energy management, as rangers use a fair amount of energy.

It's up to you. If you are a major PvP-er, no comment. If you play PvE, I highly reccomend you go R/Me. It was a very enjoyable experience for me, and I feel you will love it too.

Oh, and welcome to Guild Wars!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Queens of Ascalon


Hey thanks for the quick reply, but what do you mean by "as for PvP, no comment"

DO you mean that it is bad for Pvp or what?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


r/me is the best for pvp, except for a few exceptions. you can change ur secondary later, so dont worry.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

r/me can be very devastating....

both ranger specialise in interrupts and me specialise in shut downs... r/me can fill numerous important roles... to name just a few:

caster/monk harrasser: interrupt every skill the caster casts.... (i met one of those before... and it sucks to be at the receiving end)
flag runner: (due to speed boost skills such as escape/dodge)
trapper: (not limited to r/me, but useful regardless)

imo r/me has more grounds than pve...