14>50 Bow Question



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Canada-nuff said

Peace Machine Grrr [DiE]-with Kanwulf until I feel the boot


Before I begin I did use the search and it just turned up a bunch of WTS crap....

anyways my question is this, does a 14>50 bow do the same damage as its 15>50 version? I can't remember if this only applies to swords or not. Thanks.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

Austin, Tx

Mmph Its [Good]


Since its 1%, I do not believe it will do noticably more or less damage. Just customize it, and it will do more than some "perfect" 15^50 that you will never customize because you "might want to sell later on".



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

in my room

Elite of Elites


after testing out damage mods on the stationary armor in temple of balth i have found the following.

on 80 armor and the 100 the 14^50 does the same amount of damage as the 15^50.

on 60 armor the point difference is around 2-4 depending on weapon type (bow, hammer, axe, sword) since they all have different max damage.

So in turn if you are playing PvE buy a 14^50 weapon over a 15^50 and customize it. It is cheaper and does almost the same thing

beta man

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


agree with raca 137

tested as well and i did not notice any difference on my part



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

Even 13^50 dosent do much less dmg. ^^