A few questions...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Queens of Ascalon


So after playing this awesome game for 3 hours, a few questions arouse. I am a R/Me, but in-game it says I'm a R/me4... whats the 4 mean? My level?

Also, Can I take any creature as my pet?

Another thing, I kept getting items that says thing like +3 energy or something and when i doucle-click on them to equip them, they go in a box on the lower left side of the equip window, but thye have a red circle with a line through them over them. What does this mean?

Also, I have this skill, although I forgots its name, but it says something along the lines of "You gain 17 health for every 1 damage" or something, and I am unsure as to what it does.

Answers to these questions are appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Originally Posted by FragMonkey
So after playing this awesome game for 3 hours, a few questions arouse. I am a R/Me, but in-game it says I'm a R/me4... whats the 4 mean? My level?

Also, Can I take any creature as my pet?

Another thing, I kept getting items that says thing like +3 energy or something and when i doucle-click on them to equip them, they go in a box on the lower left side of the equip window, but thye have a red circle with a line through them over them. What does this mean?

Also, I have this skill, although I forgots its name, but it says something along the lines of "You gain 17 health for every 1 damage" or something, and I am unsure as to what it does.

Answers to these questions are appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Yes, the 4 is your level.

Creatures for pets will be green, not red, when you see them. However, they will start to fight you once you begin casting "Charm Animal" on them. That's not usually any problem. Tameable animals include Meladru's Stalker, Moa Bird/Strider, Warthog, Wolf, and Bear, although you can't get some of those until much later. EDIT> I just realized that was a list of pets for Prophecies. If you ar eplaying Factions, add Tigers and Cranes to the list.

Items with +3 energy and such are called Focus Items, and they are for the caster professions (everything except warrior, rangers, and assassins). Since caster types are very reliat on their energy for casting spells, they need items to give them more energy. The red line through it simply means that you won't actually be wearing the item when you equip it because bows are 2-handed weapons. They take up both of those slots in the Inventory.

You'll have to post up the name of the mystery skill before I can help with that

EDIT> One thing I would like to add, thank you for being literate, and speaking readable English!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by FragMonkey
So after playing this awesome game for 3 hours, a few questions arouse. I am a R/Me, but in-game it says I'm a R/me4... whats the 4 mean? My level?
Yeah, that's your present level.

[quote=FragMonkey] Also, Can I take any creature as my pet?/quot]

No, not any creature. Read this.

Originally Posted by FragMonkey
Another thing, I kept getting items that says thing like +3 energy or something and when i doucle-click on them to equip them, they go in a box on the lower left side of the equip window, but thye have a red circle with a line through them over them. What does this mean?
That means that you've got a bow equipped which is a two handed weapon. If you have a two handed weapon equipped you can't equip an off-hand weapon as both hands are being used to implement your primary weapon, in your case the bow.

Originally Posted by FragMonkey
Also, I have this skill, although I forgots its name, but it says something along the lines of "You gain 17 health for every 1 damage" or something, and I am unsure as to what it does.
That sounds like 'Ether Feast'! It does exactly what it say's on the tin. If you steal say 3 energy from an enemy then you get healed for 51 (17*3) points, increasing to 123 (41*3) with 12 points into inspiration.

awsomeness healing

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006



Originally Posted by FragMonkey
So after playing this awesome game for 3 hours, a few questions arouse. I am a R/Me, but in-game it says I'm a R/me4... whats the 4 mean? My level?

Yes the number after your proffessions is your level.

Also, Can I take any creature as my pet?

no. only certain pets. i.e bear spiders in UW stalkers etc.

Another thing, I kept getting items that says thing like +3 energy or something and when i doucle-click on them to equip them, they go in a box on the lower left side of the equip window, but thye have a red circle with a line through them over them. What does this mean?

it means that you are carrying a 2 handed weapon and the +3 energy does not affect your char.

Also, I have this skill, although I forgots its name, but it says something along the lines of "You gain 17 health for every 1 damage" or something, and I am unsure as to what it does.

Not sure....

Answers to these questions are appreciated. Thank you for your time.
~ awsomeness healing


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Queens of Ascalon


AH thanks for the reply guys.

Originally Posted by Azagoth

That sounds like 'Ether Feast'! It does exactly what it say's on the tin. If you steal say 3 energy from an enemy then you get healed for 51 (17*3) points, increasing to 123 (41*3) with 12 points into inspiration.
Yes its ether fest

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Glad we could help