not sure ifu can cap this or not... but hey if u can its my ne PET for new Warrior
the place, where I found him
Pygmy Hippopotamus
some guy
I think you can charm it. Try it out, all charmable animals can be selected, excepted for the water cow that was posted some where.
If you can target it, you can most likely cap it.
It all depends on the color green it's name is. If it's that color, same as your character's name, then it should be charmmable. Only ones that have NPC color green (kind of a yellowish-green) can't be charmmable, like the pre-sear rabbit.
yep, or just read the scribe :P said something about animals
wondering how big they can be?^^
wondering how big they can be?^^
it was mentioned in the last issue of the scribe