23 Sep 2006 at 08:15 - 2
Heros are customizable henchmen. You can set up their skills & attribute points, and even control the skills they use and when they use them. you can direct them to go to other parts of hte map & change how they act around enemies (Aggressiveness). To get them, there are quests for each one. Once you get one, he/she will level up with you. Call up your skills list (K) and click on the hero at the top to bring up his/her skill bar & attributes. Their armor automatically increases in AL as they progress in level. By using your inventory window, you can put runes on them & give them better weapons (click on their icon at the top of the Inventory window & do it just like you'd do your character.)
When Nightfall comes out next month, just add the key like factions. For this weekend, you have to create a Pve character using one of the slots you already have.
With Standard Nightfall, you get 2 slots.