How to change email address for account?

Divine Heretic


Join Date: Apr 2006

Hello there, well I've had this account for pretty much a year now. It was my dad's x-girlfriends. The thing is, it's her email address. And I really haven't talked to her (states away). I remember when you logged on, you would just go to edit account then check on change email address/password. I decided I want this account to be actually "mine". I would feel way more safer, I know she wouldn't delete my chars or whatever, but just to be safe. I would hate to have to start a new account, but I might just do that.
Anyways, I went to edit account, I didn't see option for change email address. I saw password, checked it. It gives me a link for So how exactly do I change email address, I know both email addresses would have to confirm. Also that 7 days holding period or what ever. But meh, just wanna try it out. Thanks in advance. Sorry if this is in wrong area.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

have you gone into/used the store?

if so it is now locked where it is


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

I've used the store and was still able to change my e-mail address at


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by C1D
I've used the store and was still able to change my e-mail address at
that is the PlayNC master account.

have you attempted to change the email address which is your direct GW login screen email to a more secure address?

that is the noted problem

Divine Heretic


Join Date: Apr 2006

Ah, well I I went to "add game" or something like that when I logged on my plaync account. I sadly don't have the key to add, so guess I'm just gonna go buy a new account later and transfer my stuff on over! Then I will have my "own" account. Also, I never once I used the GW store. Thanks for the replies!