Factions will live on?

Zethron Ahriman

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hey just wondering on your opinions on wether or not you believe Factions will still be heavily populated when Nightfall is released. If I was to make a Derv. or something else in Elona, and want to play back through Cantha, will there be enough people to do so? And what of the harder missions, already close-to-empty (e.g. Hatchery). And, one final thing I fear... Tyria, how will this stand? Will it become near empty? Your thoughts please.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Once the novelty of Elona wears off, I'll most likely be switching between Tyria, Cantha and Elona equally, as I have been switching equally between Tyria and Cantha thus far.

Can't answer for other people, but I suspect there will be more that feel the same way that I do.

Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

I personally believe, Cantha will become a desolate wasteland with minor farming going on when Nightfall is released. Good in a sense that the market of the green drops will go back up a little bit as these weapons will be scarcer and they will then be able to hold their value at a nice leveled off place. As the new release comes out, I don't think that Tyria will be a desolate place or affected much by it, as when Factions came out most everyone went back to Prophecies, I'm sure we'll see this trend still. But you have to remember, when a game is first released most of the players will tend to go play in the new map and land with their old characters to get them through or create a new character to build up so you might see less people in Tyria and Cantha for about a month or so but then it should pick up. As far as Cantha though... I really do think it is dead aside from the farmers in the later towns.

*** these are just my personal opinions as no one really knows what will happen.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



What I wanna know is how much Faction will be required for an alliance to own a city after Nightfall is released..

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


I think it won't, i mean, i basically have forgotten about anything to do with propehcies that i was going to accomplish prior factions release, all i do there now is farm elonas on my Necro when i need fast cash, and occasionally farm fow when i get bored

Sephiroth Istari

Sephiroth Istari

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
What I wanna know is how much Faction will be required for an alliance to own a city after Nightfall is released..

I hope people do stay in Cantha and Tyria though, and they probably will because not everyone will buy Nightfall.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

For a while I'll be running characters through Nightfall, with the occasional visit to ABs. Since ABs are all I do in Factions anyway, it won't change. I'll be spending less time in Prophecies, but I'll still go do stuff there for old time's sake



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


i hope theres still alot of ab in faction.... i wish there was a luxon and kurz town in elonia (just one for each)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

in my room

Elite of Elites


The only thing left for Factions is going to be AB battle, and people still making rits and sins. After playing the preview, i belive that nightfall is everything i wished factions was. There are going to be some people left in canthna but over all it will be a waste land of rits and sins :P




Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I would still think there will be activities going in Cantha in Allaicen Battles and getting master rewards and going back to Urgoz and the Deep.It won't be like Tyria though as it will always be very popular.

Prophecies FTW.

Mister Overhill

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Tampa, Florida

Sticks and Stones


Probably get a lot of invites just for showing up, though.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

I do hope Cantha does live on, but i seriously doubt that

Bane of Worlds

Bane of Worlds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006



well there a few I would say

Tyria will live on since there are some decent farming areas, those protector/exploration titles for that chapter for old and new players, quests that reward free skills, capturing of elite skills for title or for one's use, and some feelings of nostalgia for others

Cantha will be the same with the protector/exploration titles for new and old players, for those will still want to achieve the max 10mil faction towards their chosen faction alliance, alliance battles,5 challenge missions like (Dragon's Throat , Altrumm Ruins, Amatz Basin, Zos Shivros Channel , and The Aurios Mines ), endgame free greens, capturing of elite skills for title or for one's use, and the lovely GWF only professions like the assassin and the my personal favorite the ritualist.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

I think that most people will switch back and forth between the three continents. I know thats what I will do.

If Cantha does become abandoned(I really hope it doesnt), then we better be able to bring our heros with us to cantha....



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Personally I'll most likely consider Cantha dead once I get Nightfall. I'll go back to cap elites or farm if I feel like it, of course, but I will, most likely, not revisit it completely.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Ascalon City, Tyria

Free Agent


I do not believe it will have alot of players anymore. Factions has alot of problems in PvP (and factions was aimed mostly at PvP players).
Waiting for a match in Aspenwood is like watching water boil and thats just one problem in the long list of them with Factions.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


Me, you'll have to pry Cantha and Factions from my cold dead hands.

But that's just me.