Event Extended :)
Neo Nugget
This event is much better than the factions PVE event!Glad ya extended it.
so this is going to be 7:59pm for uk,
will be pretty annoyed if there is no finale to the event as this makes a change for people in the uk who work/go to school before or at 8am when the finales usually happen and have to miss them.
suck for americans getting a raw deal but now you see how it is for uk players who have to miss every finale.
will be pretty annoyed if there is no finale to the event as this makes a change for people in the uk who work/go to school before or at 8am when the finales usually happen and have to miss them.
suck for americans getting a raw deal but now you see how it is for uk players who have to miss every finale.
Electric Sky
^ 7.59pm ? excellent ! I'll be home in time for it
Hell yeah. So what UK time (i'm on the isle of wight, I dunno what GMT that is) will the servers be going down? I want to see if there'll be a big slaughter =)
Originally Posted by Loviatar
it is 12 hours not 24 hours
since when does high noon PACIFIC TIME equal 4 in the mornibg EASTERN TIME? |
And it's actually 5am AEST.

im gonna be there defintly
Are we still on BST? So that means 8pm for the finale, if there is one. Or are we back to GMT? Yup, got it figured out. We are still on Day Light Savings so it is 8pm. will be there at 7 just in case.
Ork Pride
this is unfair
i get home at 2:50 Eastern, and the event ends at 3:00 eastern, at least ill see the end

Originally Posted by maelkann
When the poster was talking about AEST, which is australian eastern standard time?
And it's actually 5am AEST. ![]() |
my oops and will remove the boo-boo
Alotia Slipfeet
dam, if only one more hour I could get home in time to see it, but as is I only get home at 3:30 central. To bad it wasnt last weekend I had no school on monday:P
Hyper Cutter
Bah, I think I'm going to be at work during the finale...
Gaile Gray
Now, first of all, please don't forget to continue to share your feedback and suggestions. We will be reading!
Oh, btw, just to let you know: The design team has been absolutely slammed with the tight production schedule. Mike O'Brien said that as far as he knows, there is not planned "finale" for the event. From a personal viewpoint, this is ok, since I have volunteer work tomorrow and won't be online at Noon.
Yes, we truly do understand that players enjoy a finale. However, with this tight turnaround in development, we have to prioritize where we place our staff time, so having a standard end to the event is the choice, allowing more time for goodie-development for Nightfall.
Oh, btw, just to let you know: The design team has been absolutely slammed with the tight production schedule. Mike O'Brien said that as far as he knows, there is not planned "finale" for the event. From a personal viewpoint, this is ok, since I have volunteer work tomorrow and won't be online at Noon.

Bane of Worlds
Glad to hear and thank you Anet team!